Feburary 2021 Meeting Agenda

Thursday, February 116:45 – 7:45pm

President’s Report – Eric Gould

  1. Welcome New Members
  2. Club Member Accomplishments  
  3. Nominations 

Treasurer’s Report – Jim Morgheim

  1. State of club finances
  2. Dues

Competition Director’s Report – Matt Lawlor

  • The March intra-club competition is just around the corner! 
    • There is still time to brew an Irish inspired beer for a chance to win a gift card to The Brew Hut!  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will each receive a gift card!  
    • Entries are due by Friday, March 5th, 8:00pm.  Drop off at Matt Lawlor’s house.
  • The National Homebrew Competition is on!
    • Registration opens Wednesday, February 17th.
    • Be sure to visit their website for the complete list of dates and deadlines.
  • Registration for the 27th Annual 8 Seconds of Froth is now open.

Visit the Rock Hoppers website for a complete list of upcoming local and regional competitions.

Event Director’s Report – Ed Moore & Peter Baggus

Hopper Happy Hour will be Thursday Febrewary 25th starting at 6:45. In conjunction with Valentine’s day, it will be favorite beers with chocolate or other valentine’s day candy. Comment on what you choose and we can explore what works well and what did not work. Hopefully it will be for what works well.

Education Director’s Report –  Geoff Schideler

 “pHun with Meters”

We will capture variability in pH that can be attributed to both actual variability in our different tap waters, but also meter status We will capture variability in pH that can be attributed to both actual variability in our different tap waters, but also meter status. Bring along your pH meter and a glass of fresh tap water

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