March 2021 Meeting Agenda

Thursday, March 11, 2021, 6:45 pm President’s Report – Eric Gould Welcome New Members Club Member Accomplishments Education –  Geoff Schideler Rob Kevwich, PhD, President of Oast House Oils, will join us to discuss his hop oil product which will be available on the retail market in the coming days. Treasurer’s Report – Jim Morgheim … Read more

Feburary 2021 Meeting Agenda

February Meeting

Thursday, February 11⋅6:45 – 7:45pm President’s Report – Eric Gould Welcome New Members Club Member Accomplishments   Nominations  Treasurer’s Report – Jim Morgheim State of club finances Dues Competition Director’s Report – Matt Lawlor The March intra-club competition is just around the corner!  There is still time to brew an Irish inspired beer for a chance … Read more

Club Pale Ale Recipe

At the February 2020 meeting, the club members in attendance collectively came up with a pale ale recipe for members to brew as part of an education session focusing on recipe-building using BeerSmith software. That recipe is below and available for download in BeerXML and BSMX (BeerSmith) formats. Type: All Grain Batch Size: 5.00 gal … Read more

2017 Brewer’s Rendezvous Campout

If you’re interested in joining the Brew Bros of Pikes Peak in Salida for camping and the beer fest 7/7-7/9, visit their website for details. It looks like a really fun weekend. I’ve already signed up and am looking forward to it! Please note, you’ll need to purchase a “camping ticket” per person ($25) to … Read more