11th Annual Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day

Location 1: Rick Mazza’s House

23383 Rockdale Place

Time: 9:00 am

Starting at 9:00am Rick Mazza and several other Rock Hopper Brew Club members will be brewing and explaining the brewing process. Any and all are welcome to stop by and learn more about home brewing.

Participants will be doing an extract batch, as well as a few all grain batches of beer. Of course there will be homebrew for sampling as well. Rick will be cooking some BBQ around lunch time.

No one is required to bring anything to this event. But feel free to bring beer if you like! Homebrewed or commercial, no beer will be turned away!

All Rick is asking is that if you or a friend will be stopping by that you please SIGN UP BELOW – Rick will be notified when you do.

Hopp-o-Ween Party is October 30!

Category: Meeting Reminders

Roles: authenticated user

Recipients: wygantco@msn.com, mrbade@aol.com, wgnhead@comcast.net, greg_geiger@comcast.net, kruegel.kelly@gmail.com, treedork76@comcast.net, justin.martz@yahoo.com, brewer@rockyard.com, hockeydoug01@msn.com, jasonbuehler@yahoo.com, izzy_motherkali@comcast.net, cegolf@ugholf.net, aglaser219@comcast.net, wardargust@gmail.com, walter.chleva@lmco.com, rocket951@comcast.net, rick_mazza@yahoo.com, davjenhav@q.com, velotech@yahoo.com, churchmr@yahoo.com, abush160@yahoo.com, nblack@labse7en.com, ickis@frii.com, jharres@gmail.com, climbtowers@msn.com, firstbatchbrewing@gmail.com, nospamcraigslist@gmail.com, nlkanous@netscape.net, kellymd@myawai.com, bellparker@msn.com, pquatrocelli@yahoo.com, flyingpig@q.com, coloradoty@hotmail.com, marciano_olivo@msn.com, jhooper@utsa.edu, ee.ecky@gmail.com, sbztom@gmail.com, bridgettecoleman@hotmail.com

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======== HOPP-O-WEEN PARTY IS OCTOBER 30! ====================================

*When*: October 30, 2009

*Time:* 7:00 PM to ??

*Where*: Greg Geiger’s House, 5365 E Wangaratta Way, Highlands Ranch, CO
80130 [1]

*What to Bring:* A snack to share; beer (kegs with ball locks or bottles)

*RSVP:*  Sign up on the RHBC website [2] so we have an accurate count for
food, tableware, etc.

——– THE SKINNY ———————————————————-

This will be a party of terrorific beer proportions. Frankenbier (the beer
brewed on Big Brew Day from ingredients provided by attendees) will run
through the Randall stuffed with sour cherries! There will be a bar with six
available taps of brewtastic goodness! Tons of tasty snacks abound! Lions,
Tigers, and Bears – oh my!

The costume theme is, you guessed it, /beer/.

Drunken Uncle Tapping and RHBC Meeting Tomorrow!

Category: Meeting Reminders

Roles: authenticated user

Recipients: wygantco@msn.com, mrbade@aol.com, wgnhead@comcast.net, greg_geiger@comcast.net, kruegel.kelly@gmail.com, treedork76@comcast.net, justin.martz@yahoo.com, brewer@rockyard.com, hockeydoug01@msn.com, jasonbuehler@yahoo.com, izzy_motherkali@comcast.net, cegolf@ugholf.net, aglaser219@comcast.net, wardargust@gmail.com, walter.chleva@lmco.com, rocket951@comcast.net, rick_mazza@yahoo.com, davjenhav@q.com, velotech@yahoo.com, churchmr@yahoo.com, abush160@yahoo.com, nblack@labse7en.com, ickis@frii.com, jharres@gmail.com, climbtowers@msn.com, firstbatchbrewing@gmail.com, nospamcraigslist@gmail.com, nlkanous@netscape.net, kellymd@myawai.com, bellparker@msn.com, pquatrocelli@yahoo.com, flyingpig@q.com, coloradoty@hotmail.com, marciano_olivo@msn.com, jhooper@utsa.edu, ee.ecky@gmail.com, sbztom@gmail.com

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Hello Fellow Hoppers!

This is a reminder that our September meeting is tomorrow evening at the
Rockyard American Grill and Brewing Company, 6:45pm on the patio.

*Bring Beer*

Please bring your Amber Lagers (BJCP Category 3 [1]) for the Club Only
Competition judging.