ONLY accepting these styles (three 12 oz or two 22 oz per entry):
- Belgian Pale Strong Ale (assuming Belgian Blonde, Golden Strong, and Tripel)
- Traditional Scotch Ale (assuming 60/- to 80/- or Strong Scotch Ale)
- German Style Altbier (assuming North German and Dusseldorf)
- French and Belgian Style Saison
Breckenridge Brewery wanted to reach out to you personally and make sure you are aware of the 1st Annual Breckenridge Brewery & Fox31 News Homebrew Contest, this 2009/2010 Winter Season.
February, 2010 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Breckenridge Brewery. To pay respect to our humble homebrew beginnings we are asking you, all Colorado Homebrewers, to create the recipe and assist in brewing our 20th Anniversary Ale.
Due to the specific and critical timeline of this opportunity, we are asking you to get this information out to your members quickly!!!
Attached to this e-mail are the rules and regulations as well as the contest entry form.
The start date for Breckenridge to receive entries is November 15, 2009 and we will stop accepting entries post-marked after December 1st, 2009. Judging will take place on December 4th and 5th, 2009 with an Awards Ceremony to follow. Judges will choose the top beers in each of the four categories and from those top four a “Best Over-All” Winner will be announced. That brewer and his/her liquid will go down in Colorado Craft Brewing History as “Breckenridge Brewery’s 20th Anniversary Ale”.
The “Best Over-All” Winner will get to come to the Breckenridge Brewery’s Main Production Facility at 471 Kalamath Street, Denver, CO and brew their creation on our brew house for a February, 2010 release date. They will then be able to enjoy it from the taps at our Brew Pub locations (, and assist in bottling for sale in Commemorative liter bottles.
If you have any further questions, please contact Todd Usry at 303.803.1368 or or John Jordan at 303.803.1360 or
We look forward to some great beers…cheers and good luck!
Breckenridge Brewery’s 20th Anniversary Homebrewing Competition Rules and Regulations
Please do not ship beers until November 15th, for storage and sorting purposes. We will accept entries up until December 1st. Judging will take place December 4th and 5th.
1.) We are accepting entries in the following categories/subcategories:
67A. Belgian Pale Strong Ale
76A. Traditional Scotch Ale
58. German Style Altbier
63. French and Belgian Style Saison
2.) Each brewer may enter only one beer per category, but may enter all categories if so desired.
3.) The Brewer’s Association/Great American Beer Festival’s guidelines will be used to determine the winners and honorable mentions of each category. These guidelines can be found at: .
The best of show winner and 20th Anniversary Ale will be chosen by the Breckenridge Brew and Quality Control staff, in a head to head competition between category winners.
4.) We recommend single infusion mash practices and no starting gravities over 20 degrees. The winning recipe may be changed to allow for the commercial and seasonal availability of hops, grains, fruits, flowers, etc.
5.) Please submit all entries in the form of three 12oz. bottles or two 22oz. bottles with attached registration form (please see below).
6.) The best of show brewer agrees to brew his/her recipe with the Breckenridge Brewing staff in early January 2010 for a February release of Breckenridge Brewery’s 20th Anniversary Ale. The Anniversary Ale will be available at Breckenridge’s four locations and other select outlets in draught form. We will also produce a limited run of one liter commemorative bottles that will be offered at our production brewery’s Tasting Room (471 Kalamath Street, Denver, CO).