September 2008 Meeting Minutes

Imperial Anything

After a mini-lesson on how the BJCP judges by Walt, Larry and Greg, the club judged the “Imperial Anything” entries for the AHA Club Only Competition. Greg Geiger’s English Barleywine was chosen to represent the club in the national competition.  Results from the national competition will be announced in mid-october.

Burbon Barrel Brew Update

The barrel was been filled in late August. All samples that were presented to Jim to test for infection were turned in at the August meeting.  All but one were infected, but it was determined that lack of sanitation of the bottles the participants used contributed the “bugs,” not the beers themselves.  The moral of the story: sanitze your bottles AND your caps.

The beer will condition in the bbarrel for six to nine months. At the time of this writing, there was a small amount of fermentation happining – the air lock was bubbling once every 15 seconds or so.

July 2008 Meeting Minutes

Called to order by Kjell at 7:15 pm.

In attendance: Kelly, Jason K, Adam, Wes, Doug, Chris E, Scott, Larry, Walt, Greg, Geoff, Kjell, Jim, Michael, Chris W

Guest Speaker: David Myers, Redstone Meadery

The greatest part of our time at the July 2008 RHBC meeting was conversing with David Myers, “Chairman of the Mead” at Redstone Meadery.

Being the generous fellow he is, David brought with him several bottles of mead to share with the group from each of the three lines the meadery produces.

April 2008 Meeting Minutes

Rock Hoppers Brew Club
Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
Rockyard American Grill and Brewery
6:00 PM

In attendance: Greg, Michael, Izzy, Jason B, Jason K, Kelly, Justin, Dallas, Kjell, Geoff, Jim D

1. Call to Order – 6:08 PM by Kjell Wygant

2. President’s Report – Kjell Wygant

  • Open invitations to the brew club – we’re a small and “loose” club, which makes us different from the other, more established clubs in the area. We have some great opportunities to have some fun in the future.

3. Communications – Geoff

  • Website is now up and running on a temporary server.

Domain name has been secured.

  • Geoff will be looking into permanent web hosting space and the costs associated with it.

4. Events – Izzy Kalinchuk