July 2008 Meeting Minutes

Called to order by Kjell at 7:15 pm.

In attendance: Kelly, Jason K, Adam, Wes, Doug, Chris E, Scott, Larry, Walt, Greg, Geoff, Kjell, Jim, Michael, Chris W

Guest Speaker: David Myers, Redstone Meadery

The greatest part of our time at the July 2008 RHBC meeting was conversing with David Myers, “Chairman of the Mead” at Redstone Meadery.

Being the generous fellow he is, David brought with him several bottles of mead to share with the group from each of the three lines the meadery produces.

From their “Nectar” line, he brought the Black Raspberry and Apricot Nectar, a lower alcohol (at 8% ABV), sparkling melomel.

From their “Mountain Honey Wine” category he brought their Traditional, Mountain Juniper, and Pinot Pyment.

Finally, for the coup de gras, Dave brought out the “Reserve”: a mead that is “port-like, dense and heavy and what you serve when Zeus visits for dinner.” Awesome.

At the end of his talk, Dave raffled off five bottles of mead, including the Grand Prize of a bottle of 2002 Reserve – valued at $60.  Adam walked away with that one, not without some good natured, yet veiled, threats that he’ll be jumped in the parking lot for it.  All $$ from the raffle benefits the club. Some still owe their $5, they are:

  1. Scott
  2. Kelly
  3. Jason K
  4. Doug
  5. Justin
  6. Michael

Dave, the Rock Hoppers thank you for educating us on all that is mead and especially for your willingness to field all sorts of questions.  Oh, and the mead was great too.

Officer Reports

Geoff indicated that there are two upcoming competitions: the Colorado State Fair (entry window August 4 through 8), and the Boulder Beer Goatshead Contest (entries due by July 18).

Three Rock Hoppers represented very well at the Eight Seconds of Froth competition. Greg Geiger won in four categories, Larry Hood in two, and Michael Bade in one. Awesome, gentlemen!

Old Business

Bourbon Barrel Brew Update – Greg Geiger said that we had 8 brewers who have made a batch of the RHBC Baltic Porter. One or two more is needed to make sure we have enough to fill the barrel.  Kjell indicated that the barrel is expected in late July, just in time for everyone’s brews to ferment out.

New Business

Pro-Am – Jim indicated that he is interested in sponsoring a Rock Hopper to enter the Pro-Am competition at the 2009 Great American Beer Festival. He would like to chose among whose brews have been and will be declared by the club as the “meeting winner.” So far, we have four “meeting winners.” The recipe that is chosen by Jim and Jason would be scaled up and brewed at the Rockyard.  Nothing is solidified as yet, but everyone should be bringing their best to the meetings.


In addition to the mead that David brought, 16 beers were shared among the group. They were:

  1. Cream Ale – Geoff
  2. Midas Touch Clone – Kelly and Jason
  3. Summer Ale – Chris
  4. Hefeweizen – Walt
  5. Ginger Beer – Scott
  6. Hoppy American Lager – Geoff
  7. Scottish Ale – Michael
  8. Summer Ale – Greg
  9. Mondo Specialty Ale – Greg and Larry
  10. IPA – Doug
  11. Dubbel – Walt
  12. IPA – Adam
  13. Special Bitter – Larry ** this one won at Eight Seconds of Froth
  14. Maibock – Scott
  15. Saison – Kjell
  16. Malt Ball Monster Imperial Stout – Kjell ** winner of the meeting

Adjourned at approximately 10:30 pm.

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