With over 350 entries, the LP Slam is one of the largest competitions in the state. And although a member of our club didn’t win BOS this time, members still pulled in eight nine medals.
The complete winners list is here. The RHBC winners are:
American Wheat or Rye (12 Entries)
- 3rd: Adam Glaser, Rye or Die! – 6D: American Wheat or Rye Beer
Spiced Specialty (12 Entries)
- 3rd: Walt Chleva, Detox – 23A: Specialty Beer
Belgian Lights (13 Entries)
- 1st: Geoff Humphrey, Timothy’s Tripel – 18C: Belgian Tripel
- 3rd: Geoff Humphrey, Bastogne Golden Blonde – 18D: Belgian Golden Strong Ale
Belgian Darks (10 Entries)
- 3rd: Geoff Humphrey, Blessed and Cursed – 18E: Belgian Dark Strong Ale
Fruit Beers (10 Entries)
- 1st: Bryan Keas, Sour Cherry Bomb – 20A: Fruit Beer
- 3rd: Greg Geiger, Peach Thunder – 20A: Fruit Beer
- HM: Kelly Krugel, Raisin in the Sun – 20A: Fruit Beer
German Wheat/Rye (13 Entries)
- 3rd: Michael Bade, Morrissette Wheat – 15A: Weizen
Imperial Stout (7 Entries)
- 1st: Greg Geiger, Never Barreled Imperial Stout – 13F: Russian Imperial Stout
Congrats to all!!