Another BOS for Hopper Michael Bade at the 2010 FoamFest

Hoppers showed their strength in the Colorado homebrewing scene with 17 medals and another Best of Show award for our own Michael Bade!

Congrats to all who entered. The complete winners list is here.

The Hoppers who medaled are:

Michael Bade

  • Best of Show with My Own Private Little Helles
  • 1st in Light Lager with My Own Private Little Helles
  • 2nd in Light Lager with Giro Pils
  • 2nd in Pilsner with Pink Ping Pong Ball

Walt Chleva

  • 2nd in Strong Ale with Kick in the Knickers Again
  • 1st in Smoke/Wood Aged Beer with RHBC Bourbon Barrel Porter
  • 2nd in Smoke/Wood Aged Beer with Stranahans Stave Barleywine
  • 2nd in Specialty Beer with Black Eis

Greg Geiger

  • 1st in Amber Hybrid with Geiger’s Sticke Altbier
  • 3rd in Fruit Beer with Peach Thunder

Geoff Humphrey

  • 3rd in Belgian and French Ale with Sardonic Wit

Bridgette Jackson

  • 1st in Belgian and French Ale with Ryes’n Sun

Bryan Kaes

  • 1st in Fruit Beer with Coo Coo for Coconut Porter
  • 1st in Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer with Coo Coo for Coconut Porter
  • 3rd in English Pale Ale with Bitter Beer Face!

Kelly Kruegel

  • 1st in IPA with Hopportunity Knocks

Kjell Wygant

  • 3rd in IPA with Apollo
  • HM in Specialty Beer with Kimbo

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