September 2012 Meeting – Thursday the 13th

Iron Buddy Brew

September 13, 2012 at 6:45 PM – Rockyard (out on the deck) – 880 Castleton Road, Castle Rock.

Remember to bring your Iron Buddy Brews to the meeting to compete!

President’s Report – Dave McHugh

  • Call to order and welcome to new attendees and members.
  • Meeting Agenda – get the business done first…then the social homebrew tasting/evaluation.
  • Focused feedback.
  • Beer Tasting Table – mark your spot with your name and beer style.
  • We may have a new home – the Brew Hut.

Event Director’s Report – Dave McHugh

Big thanks to Bridgette, Phil and Geoff – Golf was awesome

I know it was a lot of work to pull the golf tournament together. I just wanted to say how much I know we all appreciated your efforts and what an excellent time it was getting together and driving the ball down the fairway. Wonderful effort for year two, and I look forward to the annual Hop on the Green Tournament. Perhaps my golf skills will improve one of these years.


Geoff and Charlie on The Brewing Network

Our own Competition Director, Geoff Humphrey, along with fellow homebrewer and sour beer guru Charlie Gottenkieny, will be on the August 12, 2012 edition of the Brewing Network’s Sunday Session discussing their online venture, Better Beer Scores!

Listen in live at 7:00 PM MDT here:

The Podcast will be posted the week of August 13 here:

Golf Tournament

I’m a few days past the deadline for signing up for the golf tournament because I’m on vacation in Montana.  Any way I can still get in on it?

Live Broadcast NHC Awards

Join me if you like for a live broadcast of the NHC awards Saturday evening. Excuse to have a beer and pretend we’re in Seattle! I’ll have some good beers on tap. 

My # (720) 219-5223
