September 2012 Meeting – Thursday the 13th

Iron Buddy Brew

September 13, 2012 at 6:45 PM – Rockyard (out on the deck) – 880 Castleton Road, Castle Rock.

Remember to bring your Iron Buddy Brews to the meeting to compete!

President’s Report – Dave McHugh

  • Call to order and welcome to new attendees and members.
  • Meeting Agenda – get the business done first…then the social homebrew tasting/evaluation.
  • Focused feedback.
  • Beer Tasting Table – mark your spot with your name and beer style.
  • We may have a new home – the Brew Hut.

Event Director’s Report – Dave McHugh

  • Golf Tournament Results – $250 donated to the Red Cross!
  • Monthly Hopper Happy Hour – 3rd Thursday of every month.
    • September 20th 5:00 PM at the Dry Dock in conjunction with Homebrewer’s Night at the Brew Hut! Wear your Rock Hopper shirts!
  • Halloween Party Update – at the Geiger’s
    • We’re looking for three drivers to NOT drink, drive some people to and from the party, and make some cash.
    • Need a count…how many coming from Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch and Parker?
    • Theme – Age of Aquarius (late 60s, man).
    • Members current on their dues ride for FREE, all others pay $10!
    • Iron Buddy Brew beers will be served.
    • Bring an appetizer and your own glass.
  • AHA Learn to Homebrew Day is November 3. More info soon; save the date in your calendar!
  • Big Beers Fest in Vail – January 10-12, 2013. Plan now!

Competition Director’s Report – Geoff Humphrey

  • Colorado State Fair Results
    • Congrats to Michael Bade, Billy Beeson, Greg Geiger, Tyler Hudziec, Bryan Keas, Brian Pramov, and Eric Seufert
  • Upcoming Competitions
    • Rocky Mountain Homebrew Challenge –
      • Registration opens 9/15
      • Entry Window: 10/1 through 10/19
    • KROC Great American Beer Challenge –
      • Registration open now thru 9/22
      • Entry Window: now through 9/22
  • Biere de Rock –
    • Will be needing volunteers for setup, judge lunch, sorting.
    • Need stewards – no judging or competition experience necessary!
    • We have 12 sponsors so far, working on more.

Treasurer’s Report – Phil Penningroth

  • Support the raffles!
  • Pay your dues!

Education – Jim Denier

  • Welcome Paula Mitchell: Wine verses Beer verses Food

Iron Buddy Brew Competition – Geoff Humphrey

  • Overview and introduction of brewers/beers

Tasting and Feedback


  • Hey! Guess what?! It’s BEER!!! (and possibly something else)

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