January Meeting is 01/09/13 at the Brew Hut


President’s Report – Dave McHugh

  • Call to order and welcome to new attendees and members.
  • Meeting Agenda – get the business done first…then the social homebrew tasting/evaluation.
  • Elections

Competition Director’s Report – Geoff Humphrey

  • Big Beers Homebrew Competition – best of luck to all on Friday
  • AHA Club Only Competition – March/April 2013: Barleywines
    • Bring your barleywines for consideration to our February meeting
  • Firkin Fest at Bristol February 23
  • Peterson AFB – http://pafb.brewcompetition.com
    • Entry window: January 25 through February 2
    • 2 bottles; $5
    • Drop Off at the Brew Hut
    • Entrants get into the Peterson Beer Festival for free (February 22 at 6:00 PM)
  • Brew Hut Comp – http://thebrewhut.brewcomp.com
    • Entry window: January 12 through 26
    • 2 bottles; $0
    • Drop of at the Brew Hut only

Treasurer’s Report – Phil Penningroth

  • Dues increasing next year to $25.

Education Director’s Report – Jim Denier

  • Something brainy (you’d think).

Raffle – Geoff Humphrey

  • Biere de Rock Swag

Tasting and Feedback

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