Hopper Bridgette Jackson Making the Media Rounds!

Check out Bridgette Jackson (pictured right with fiancee and Hopper Greg Geiger), our own Event Director, participating in a panel about Colorado beer on KDBI’s Studio 12.

She specifically mentions the Rock Hoppers and the Pink Mug Society throughout the one hour spot.

Also, Bridgette was featured today on 850KOA promoting Colorado Beer Week, April 8 through 15.

Way to represent, Bridgette!

The Studio 12 Discussion:

Watch the full episode. See more Studio 12.

Peak to Peak: Two Hopper Pro-Ams and BOS Runner Up

Congratulations to Adam Glaser, Kelly Kruegel and Jason Kruegel for winning BIG at the 2011 Peak to Peak Pro-Am!

Adam was the Best of Show Runner Up with his Hop Envy Pale Ale. Kelly’s En Fraincais Si Vous Plait Biere de Garde was selected by Left Hand Brewing and Jason’s Afternoon Delight was selected by Crabtree Brewing.

In all, Hoppers won a total of 10 medals.

Michael Bade

  • 1st in IPA with Kneewalker

Greg Geiger

  • 2nd in Fruit Beer with Peach Thunder
  • 3rd in Spice/Herb/Vegetable with Geiger’s Holiday Ale

Adam Glaser

  • 1st in Strong Ale with Birthday Barleywine
  • 1st in American Pale with Hop Envy

Jason Kruegel

  • 1st in Fruit Beer with Afternoon Delight
  • 2nd in Wood and Smoke with Ditka
Kelly Kruegel
  • 1st in Belgian Ale with En Fraincais Si Vou Plait
  • 3rd in English Brown with Brown Bomber
Rock Hoppers
  • 3rd in Wood and Smoke with Triple B Lizard Porter

Hopper Adam Glaser Wins Dredhop BOS!

Glaser is the winnerOur own Adam Glaser took top honors on March 5, 2011 at the Dredhop competition, beating out over 300 entries to take the Best of Show with his American Barleywine.

Congratulations Adam!

Other Hoppers took home ribbons as well (from what I can remember – the official list hasn’t been posted yet):

  • Aaron Bush
  • Greg Geiger
  • Chris Egolf
  • Jason and Donna Dailey
  • Jason Kruegel
  • Kelly Kruegel

Way to represent everyone!

RHBC and Rockyard Collaborative Beer Now Available!



Two in the Bush, the first collaboration between Rockyard American Grill and Brewing Company and Colorado homebrew clubs is now available in several stores around the south-Denver/Castle Rock area.

Produced from a winning recipe by Rock Hopper Aaron Bush, this Robust Porter is smooth and rich with a hint of chocolate and roast. Pick it up now, supplies are VERY limited!

Available at:

  • Rockyard American Grill and Brewing Company
  • Bubbles Liquor World, Castle Rock (I-25 and Founders Parkway)
  • CornerStar Wine & Liquor, Littleton (Arapahoe and Parker Road)
  • Liquor Barn, Englewood (South Broadway next door to Brew at Home)
  • Lucas Liquor, Highlands Ranch (Quebec/County Line; Park Meadows shopping area next to Home Depot)
  • Parker Payless, Parker (Lincoln and Parker Road)

2011 Rocky Mountain Homebrew Club Challenge

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Recipients: wygantco@msn.com, mrbade@aol.com, wgnhead@comcast.net, greg_geiger@comcast.net, kruegel.kelly@gmail.com, treedork76@comcast.net, brewer@rockyard.com, hockeydoug01@msn.com, RollandTDouglas@msn.com, izzy_motherkali@comcast.net, cegolf@ugholf.net, aglaser219@comcast.net, wardargust@gmail.com, coolguywalt@hotmail.com, davjenhav@q.com, velotech@yahoo.com, churchmr@yahoo.com, abush160@yahoo.com, climbtowers@msn.com, nospamcraigslist@gmail.com, nlkanous@netscape.net, bellparker@msn.com, pquatrocelli@yahoo.com, t.nash@q.com, ee.ecky@gmail.com, bridgettecoleman@hotmail.com, redpennybrewery@yahoo.com, canyonero_x@yahoo.com, jim.denier@comcast.net, steve_kirchner@hotmail.com, eujon@introspeed.com, superdroop1234@yahoo.com, John_Ehrhardt@msn.com, theoldecrone@comcast.net, daileyjason@hotmail.com, carthoris@hotmail.com, dcsar755@yahoo.com, scrapplepie@hotmail.com, joe_white101@hotmail.com, george@tealcr.com, shawn.kercher@gmail.com, mpsteele1@gmail.com, afcaligirl83@yahoo.com, mbowen609@hotmail.com, mark.hartley@comcast.net, andy.honker@yahoo.com, kevineoman@hotmail.com, markhurley01@gmail.com, jawn77@msn.com, mgood21@yahoo.com, joe.wojniak@yahoo.com, bripat2004@gmail.com, rodzuniga@me.com, head_west@msn.com, dmdailey1128@hotmail.com, jljaymiller@yahoo.com, jeremy@copperkettledenver.com, aaronninness@netzero.com, joshhans@comcast.net, donkeythong33@yahoo.com, nicole.h.smith@amedd.army.mil, wodickey@yahoo.com, coffeediver@mac.com, dakeller80@hotmail.com

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Here’s an email from the Foam on the Range president Jonathan Aronson
regarding the 2011 Rocky Mountain Homebrew Club Challenge.

This is for bragging rights, so enter those brews and sign up to judge or
steward soon!