Rockyard Homebrewers Gone Wild #6 – an Exclusive for RHBC Members!
The latest installment of the Rockyard’s Homebrewers Gone Wild series will be a recipe from a member of the Rock Hoppers.
The first in the series was a Robust Porter recipe by our own Aaron Bush. Now it’s our turn again!
This time, the style is Belgian Wit (or some slight derivative), suitable for summer drinking.
To enter:
- You MUST be a dues-paying member of the Rock Hoppers.
- Take two bottles to the Rockyard in Castle Rock before April 21.
- Make sure your name and the beer’s recipe are on attached to EACH bottle.
Rockyard brewers Jim Stinson and Kjell Wygant will taste each entry an pick a winner.
The winner’s recipe will be brewed at the Rockyard (with the help of the rest of the club) for service at its restaurant and bar. Also, bottles will be distributed throughout Colorado!
Good luck!