RHBC Member/Dry Dock Pro-Am Release Party – August 27 @ 4:00

RHBC’s own Charlie Gottenkieny recently did the ProAm brew for his Big Beers Best-of-Show Winter Solstice Saison at Dry Dock Brewing.The release party for the brew is this Tuesday, August 27th at the Dry Dock in Aurora. The beer will be tapped at 4:00 p.m., so come by after work and taste this holiday Saison that is spiced with coriander and flavored with the peels of 180 fresh oranges.

Congrats to Charlie and the rest of the RHBC members who have a 2013 GABF Pro-Am:

  • Billy Beeson (Lone Tree Brewing)
  • Bryan Keas and Brian Pramov (The Bruery)
  • Bryan Keas (Wit’s End)
  • Michael Bade (Sandlot)


Hoppers In the News!

… and it’s a good thing!

Bryan Keas and Brian Pramov were featured on the front page of the Denver Post’s Food & Dining section today talking about their Batch 1000 win!

Read the online version from the Denver Post here.


A Southern California craft beer website called West Coaster has an awesome write up on Brian and Bryan’s adventures brewing the beer at the Bruery.

Read the write-up here.

Update 2

Westword’s Cafe Society blogger Beer Man also contributed a write up.

Check it out here!

Photos courtesy of The Bruery via West Coaster

2013 Brewer’s Rendezvous Camping Trip Payment Info & Itinerary

Log in and see the first comment for the payment link!

Campout is July 12, 13, and 14. Coincides with the Colorado Brewers Rendezvous in Salida, CO.

Purchase your ticket for the Salida Brewer’s Rendezvous Campout. Tickets are limited to 20 for Rock Hoppers.

These tickets are for Rock Hoppers and their guests only! If the Rock Hoppers allotment of tickets is not sold out by June 25th at 5PM, the remaining tickets will be made available to the Brew Bros and Rock Hoppers.

You may:

  1. Buy tickets for you and your immediate (i.e., nuclear) family
  2. Buy two additional tickets for guests


  1. Active/current Rock Hopper member price is $20.90
  2. Family members who aren`t paying members $20.90 + $5.15
  3. Guests (non-members) $20.90 + $5.15 
  4. Children 12 and under are free.
  5. Young adults, age 13 through 20 are half price, $10.45.

Note: Tickets are for active/current Rock Hopper members only. Guests must be accompanied by a member.

Refunded tickets will be subject to the PayPal fees.  Therefore, you will get most, but not all, of your payment refunded.


Here is a rough itenerary and what is included in the payment price (details will follow in a future email).  We camp on BLM land.  It is rustic with no ammenities. However, port-a-pottys will be at the camp site – included in the ticket price.

The theme this year is COWBOYS and INDIANS. Dress up and support our clubs! Mass adoption of costumes is what makes it fun!

June 2013 Meeting – Gadget Night

Gadgets!Our next meeting, June 13, 2013, is Gadget Night!

We are problem-solving lot, aren’t we? We know there a lot of Tesla-heads out there creating new ways to clean, extract, heat, control, caramelize, measure, transfer, cool, crush and infuse.

So now’s your chance to show off your one-of-a-kind gadget.

Bring your original, patent pending brewing invention(s) to share with the club at the June 2013 meeting.

Iron Buddy Brew – Ingredients Announced

If you missed the last meeting on May 9th, we sent out a sign up sheet for the Iron Buddy Brew competition where we randomly pair up new members and veteran members to coolaborate on a beer to brew for a people’s choice style of competition to be held in September.

The pairings are:

  • Robert Kausch/Jim Beckford
  • Scott Lamm/Kjell Wygant
  • Will Trail/Eric Seufert
  • Matt Lawlor/Billy Beeson
  • Doug Thiel/Jim Denier
  • Ken Anderson/Mark Jeffries
  • Mike Bostwick/Jason & Kelly Kruegel
  • Greg Terpay/Andy Honker
  • Ryan Gibbs/Greg Geiger
  • Josh Given/Jeff Gilbertson
  • Scott Mead/Brian Pramov
  • James Devalios/Jim Allen
  • Chris Huser/Geoff Humphrey

At the May 2013 meeting, we randomly selected the following 10 ingredients of which each team of brewers has to include at least 3 of the 10 ingredients in their product:

  • Cumin
  • Rice Krispy Treats
  • Oranges
  • Pomegranate Juice
  • Sweet Cherries
  • Maple Syrup
  • Zingers
  • Doughnuts
  • Nutmeg
  • Raspberries

Good luck to all the participants, but more importantly enjoy developing your recipes and learning from each other as this is what this event is really all about!