Colorado Brewers’ Festival – June 26 & 27

This year’s festival, the 21st Annual Colorado Brewers’ Festival in Downtown Fort Collins, will take place June 26 & 27, 2010. Tickets go on sale for this event on June 1st.

I would like to know if there is any interest in carpooling to this event.  Also notice that you can volunteer for a 4 hour shift and recieve disounted tickets into the tasting.  I could also work on hotel accomodations if there is an interest in this as well. Sounds like a great event!!!

Email me at or on this site.

Big Brew for National Homebrew Day – May 1 at the Rockyard!

Big Brew Day - May 1, 2010We’re gearing up for Big Brew for National Homebrew Day, Saturday May 1! We’ll be one of more than 300+ sites around the world toasting the art and science of homebrewing.

Beginning at 9:00 am, club members will be demonstrating the brewing process at the Rockyard American Grill and Brewing Company, 880 W. Castleton Rd, Castle Rock.

Come on down, talk with the participating brewers, and perhaps have a taste of the fruits of their past labors.

We’ll be participating in the “world wide toast” at 11:00 am.

Then, grab some lunch and an award-winning brew at the Rockyard.

See you there!



Fresh Barrel Brew – English Barleywine!

Much like the clandestine group of brewers met to formulate the recipe for the Russian Imperial Stout that will see the light of day for the first time on the 17th, so now comes the time for the next barrel brew, an English Barleywine. This beer will be lovingly cared for by Aaron Bush until such time as it is ready to emerge and dominate the homebrewing world.

The aim is to begin brewing this recipe in May for filling of the barrel in July. It’s going to be a monster beer, fitting of a fresh oak barrel, so we want to give plenty of time to complete the fermentation process. However, before we can brew, we need a recipe. If you’re interested in assisting with recipe formulation, please comment below and we’ll set up a time. If you’re interested in brewing for the barrel, please sign up so we can get a headcount working.

Rock Hopper Hopyard Work Day

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GROUND BREAKING SCHEDULED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the weather is improving I feel it is time we get going on the Hopyard. I’d like to schedule the work day for Saturday April 17th @ 9am. With the use of the whiskey barrels as planters I don’t think building this yard will be as difficult as first thought.

We will need general garden tools as the brewery has none. Also if you have compost to contribute please bring as much as you can (hopfully it’s not frozen still).

Work to be done:

-Placement of half barrels in sloped embankment

-Sawing the barrels in half and holes cut in the heads for root freedom

-Holes dug for pole placement in cement

-Access stairs placed from sidewalk along building’s South side

-General debris removal from the area

-Moderate Beer consumption

-50/50 Mixture of soil and compost in each planter


Hope to see all of you that signed up for this endevor on the 10th!

-Kjell Wygant

*Contact me via my bio page for any questions