Pro-Am brewing with the Sandlot

I’ll be brewing ten barrels of “Kneewalker”, Double IPA tomorrow, Saturday July 24, 2010, starting around 10AM.  Sorry for the short notice, but we were waiting on hops delivery and everybodies kids needed to be healthy.  At this point it looks like a “go”.  (hopefully the pound of Gypsum shows up)

Should be interesting as they haven’t brewed an IPA at the Sandlot since 1996.  Anyway, Hoppers are welcome to stop by and participate.  They say there are many menial chores to do that are all worth a beer.  Should be there ’til late afternoon. 

Sandlot Brewery:  2145 Blake St., Denver, (303) 298-1587


Hoppers Make an Impression at NHC 2010


Two publications made note of the Rock Hoppers at NHC’s 2010 Club night.

The Beer Spot dedicated an entire article to our beer, stating:

There was a whole list of Eis beers. Imagine my shock when I saw the Urban UFO eis’d barleywine that weighed in at a hefty 25% abv. You’d think a beer like that would be all heat. Not really. It had all sorts of complex malty flavors that just swirled around on my tongue. I wanted more. That’s when I decided to try every beer on the list. Not one of these beers was something I wouldn’t want in my fridge.

Further, the article ended with:

I’d love to visit a brewpub where these people were making the beer.

Funny they should say that, ’cause the RHBC has one member, Tom Bell, who opened the doors to his brewery today (Elk Mountain Brewing Company), and two members, Kjell Wygant and Walt Chleva, who are assistant brewers at the Rockyard American Grill and Brewing Company and Dry Dock Brewing Company respectively.

Read the entire article here.

The Seattle Beer News article made note of the innovative use of fruit in our Randall (along with a photo):

NHC Prepares for the Hoppers

Minnesota is preparing to receive a contingent of Hoppers at this year’s National Homebrewers Conference. Attending this year are:

  1. Ward Argust
  2. Walt Chleva
  3. Chris Egolf
  4. Greg Geiger
  5. Geoff Humphrey
  6. Bridgette Jackson
  7. Jason Kruegel
  8. Kelly Kruegel
  9. Kjell Wygant

Keep an eye on the RHBC Facebook page for updates and pictures.

We’ll be serving 10 beers at Club Night and during our time at the Hospitality Suite. In fact, here’s the menu:

NHC Menu

A full report will be given during the July meeting.

Looking for help @ The Beaver Creek Brews, Blues & BBQ Festival

Fellow Rock Hoppers,

I’m heading up to Beaver Creek next Saturday the 29th for the Beaver Creek Brews, Blues & BBQ Festival. I will be representing The Rockyard Brewery and thought I could use some help pouring beer if any of you would like some free access to the festival. Those helping will be provided with a Rockyard Brewery shirt for the day for helping.

I have 3 wristbands available on a first come first serve basis. Those interested will have to provide your own transportation as my family will be staying for a long weekend.

Here’s a link for more information:

Please contact me via this websites contact page or call me@ 303.618.0489


Kjell Wygant

Assistant Brewer, Rockyard Brewery