Two publications made note of the Rock Hoppers at NHC’s 2010 Club night.
The Beer Spot dedicated an entire article to our beer, stating:
There was a whole list of Eis beers. Imagine my shock when I saw the Urban UFO eis’d barleywine that weighed in at a hefty 25% abv. You’d think a beer like that would be all heat. Not really. It had all sorts of complex malty flavors that just swirled around on my tongue. I wanted more. That’s when I decided to try every beer on the list. Not one of these beers was something I wouldn’t want in my fridge.
Further, the article ended with:
I’d love to visit a brewpub where these people were making the beer.
Funny they should say that, ’cause the RHBC has one member, Tom Bell, who opened the doors to his brewery today (Elk Mountain Brewing Company), and two members, Kjell Wygant and Walt Chleva, who are assistant brewers at the Rockyard American Grill and Brewing Company and Dry Dock Brewing Company respectively.
The Seattle Beer News article made note of the innovative use of fruit in our Randall (along with a photo):
The most interesting serving technique was probably a Randall filled with fruit (also seen at last year’s conference).
Thanks to all the brewers who donated their creations so the RHBC could shine so bright.
Look out San Diego! Stay classy, Hoppers!