Hoppers Gear Up For NHC!

Goin Mobile at NHC 2012

The 2012 National Homebrewers Conference is begins on June 20 – and six of your fellow Hoppers will be there!

Kjell Wygant, Billy Beeson, Mark Hartley, Steve Marquez, Jim Denier, and Geoff Humphrey will representing the club.

Our theme this year is…

Goin’ Mobile

On club night, we will be serving all of our nine beers at the conference from three mobile bars (see lower right – hence the theme) specially constructed for the conference!

Goin Mobile at NHC 2012

To give our club exposure at the national level, continue our NHC traditions, and to let people know about what our club is up to at the conference we have…

A mobile-friendly mini-website (https://rhbc.co) that has links to our t-shirt design and our menu of beers available at club night and our hospitality suite shift.

Stickers (see the design at right) that have a QR code for people to scan on their mobile phones that takes them to the rhbc.co site.

2012 Camping Trip / Brewer’s Rendezvous

When: July 13 and 14, 2012

Where: Salida, CO. See below…

Who: Rock Hoppers and the Brew Brothers of Pikes Peak homebrew clubs

[Click for the map on Google Maps]

Hi All,

We have details on the campsite! As most of you know, we are teaming up with our compadres in Colorado Springs, the Brew Brothers, for our annual camping trip. We are also coordinating it around the Brewer’s Rendezvous in Salida this year (see below). The Brew Brothers have made this an annual event and have told me they have plenty of room to accommodate our joint venture this year.

Info on the Brewer’s Rendezvous

16th Annual Colorado Brewers Rendezvous; Saturday, July 14, 2012, 1-5 p.m., Riverside Park, downtown Salida. 45 brewers from around the state offer their best. Sorry, no dogs allowed in park. Local food vendors selling a variety of items ranging from burritos, hot dogs, Thai noodles. (719) 539-2068 (877) 772-5432. Sponsored by the Colorado Brewers Guild and the Salida Chamber of Commerce.


The Brothers tell me they have quite the festival at the campsite the Friday before so some of us are getting there Thursday night. If you have a camper there’s a RV park across the river (someone please bring a boat).  

Here’s the directions that correlate with the photo above:

Big Brew Day, 5th of May

Ok everyone, your worst fears have come true, I’ve gotten a trade, and will be attending the big brew day! Sooo I’m trying to get together a set up for an all grain batch, but i wanted to see if anyone might have a mash tun i could borrow, if i don’t manage to get it done. shoot me an e-mail, give me a call, or just reply ehre if you might be able to help out.




2012-2013 Officers Elected

A new corps of officers were elected at the March 8 general meeting. They are:

Dave McHugh

Competition Director
Geoff Humphrey

Communications Director
Greg Geiger

Education Director
Jim Denier

Event Director
Bridgette Geiger

Phil Penningroth

Many thanks to the outgoing officers for their service to the club: Kelly Kruegel, Steve Marquez, Aaron Bush, and Ward Argust.

Stout Month – Chops Month

It’s time for the 14th annual Chops competition being held on February 27th at Vine Street Pub.  The competition starts about 10PM.  Yeah, it’s a Monday, but what a great excuse to go out drinking on a worknight.  The competition works by each person at the pub picking their three favorite sets of chops, then the results are tallied.  Obviously, those competitors with friends in the crowd can stack the deck, So come support me, or grow some chops of your own!  February is Stout Month at Vine Street/Mountain Sun, it runs concurrently with Chops Month, so there’s a good selection of Stouts as well. 

Here is a Westword article with some great pictures from last year.  Check it out, I got five Chesters!


Here’s the Vine Street Announcement: In addition to great Stout, our pubs fill with mutton chops and mullets every February.  Now in it’s 14th year, Chop Month has become as anticipated as Stout Month.  Join the Mountain Sun owners, brewers, managers and staff as we all try to grow the best mutton chops in all the land. And if you’re of the female persuasion, you can play too by cutting your locks into the most dramatic mullet in all the land. 

Vine Street/Mountain Sun website http://mountainsunpub.com/