Rock Hoppers Hopoween Party

HalloweenFellow Rock Hoppers! 

The Hoppoween Party is a go!  It will be held at William Beeson’s house from 7-12pm on 11/1.
There is no theme this year.  This is typically a costume party so costumes are highly encouraged.  Also highly encouraged is Uber or any other taxi service.  We do not want anyone driving under the influence and there will be a lot of drinking going on.  Please be responsible and safe.
Speaking of beer, we will have 12 taps available to pour beer from kegs.  If you have a keg of something you would like to share, please bring it with you..  We will have CO2 to push the beer out and ice chests to keep the kegs cool.  No keg, no problem!  We will have bottle openers too.  
Billy will be smoking a brisket and other random meats for sandwiches as the main dish.  We ask that those attending bring a side dish or snacks for everyone.
Please contact Billy Beeson through the Rock Hopper contact section if you plan on attending so he can get a head count and/or if you have any questions.  Spouses and friends are welcome as long as they are over 21.
8563 E Monmouth PL
Denver, CO 80237
See you guys/gals there.

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