RHBC Meeting Location Reminder

Category: All Users

Roles: authenticated user

Recipients: gpzhumphrey@gmail.com, wygantco@msn.com, mrbade@aol.com, wgnhead@comcast.net, greg_geiger@comcast.net, kruegel.kelly@gmail.com, treedork76@comcast.net, brewer@rockyard.com, hockeydoug01@msn.com, RollandTDouglas@msn.com, izzy_motherkali@comcast.net, cegolf@ugholf.net, wardargust@gmail.com, coolguywalt@hotmail.com, davjenhav@q.com, velotech@yahoo.com, churchmr@yahoo.com, abush160@yahoo.com, climbtowers@msn.com, nospamcraigslist@gmail.com, nlkanous@netscape.net, bellparker@msn.com, pquatrocelli@yahoo.com, t.nash@q.com, ee.ecky@gmail.com, bridgettecoleman@hotmail.com, redpennybrewery@yahoo.com, canyonero_x@yahoo.com, jim.denier@comcast.net, steve_kirchner@hotmail.com, eujon@introspeed.com, superdroop1234@yahoo.com, John_Ehrhardt@msn.com, theoldecrone@comcast.net, daileyjason@hotmail.com, carthoris@hotmail.com, dcsar755@yahoo.com, scrapplepie@hotmail.com, joe_white101@hotmail.com, george@tealcr.com, shawn.kercher@gmail.com, mpsteele1@gmail.com

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This is a reminder that the meetings will now be held at Elk Mountain Brewing
Co for October thru March.  The meetings will still be held on the second
Thursday of each month at 6:45PM.  Elk Mountain’s address is 18921 Plaza
Drive, Unit 104, Parker, Colorado 80134.

See you all there!

RHBC Officers



[1] http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=18921+Plaza+Drive,+Unit+104,+Parker,+Colorado+80134&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=18921+E+Plaza+Dr+%23104,+Parker,+CO+80134&gl=us&ei=AkWmTJ2oH8SmnAe5jpGSAQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA


This is a message sent to you because you are a member of the Rock Hoppers
Brew Club website (http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com [1]).. By being a
member of the site, you agree to receive emails informing you of club
activities. If you do not wish to receive any further emails, please delete
your account.

[1] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com

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This is a reminder that the meetings will now be held at Elk Mountain Brewing Co for October thru March.  The meetings will still be held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:45PM.  Elk Mountain’s address is 18921 Plaza Drive, Unit 104, Parker, Colorado 80134.

See you all there!

RHBC Officers




This is a message sent to you because you are a member of the Rock Hoppers Brew Club website (http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com).. By being a member of the site, you agree to receive emails informing you of club activities. If you do not wish to receive any further emails, please delete your account.

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