RHBC Meeting – July 2010


Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Greg Geiger

President – Greg Geiger

  • NHC Slide Show

Events – Bridgette Jackson

  • Beer Dinner at the Rockyard – to be rescheduled
  • Event Survey
  • Golf Outing for Members – Aug 7th
  • Foam On The Range Club Picnic – Aug 14th
  • Camping Trip – August 27th – 29th
  • Raffle Items?
  • BJCP Beginners Class in September

Competition – Aaron Bush

  • Upcoming Competitions
    • Gnarly Barley Festival: Entries Due July 24th, judging July 31st, awards Aug 7th 
    • Colorado State Fair – Entry window Aug 9th – 14th, judging Aug  27th
    • KROC World Brewers Forum – Entries due end of August, judging in early September
    • Queen of Beer – Entry Deadline is in October
  • Upcoming AHA Club Only Competitions
    • August 2010: Mead (BJCP categories 24, 25, 26)
    • September 2010: Sour Ales (BJCP category 17)
    • October 2010: Strong Ales (BJCP category 19)

Communications – Adam Glaser

  • Newsletter Survey

Treasurer – Chris Egolf

  • Nothing at this time

Education – Walt Chleva

  • John Carrol from White Labs – Yeast

Tasting, Feedback, and “Best of Meeting” Contest

  • Club Only Competition: Meads (BJCP categories 24, 25, 26)
    • Bring three 12oz bottles for tasting and two additional 12oz bottles in case you win
    • Winner will get a free raffle ticket and entry in Club only competition
  • Free For All Tasting  – bring your latest and greatest creation
    • Bring three 12oz bottles (or equivalent) for tasting
    • Winner by majority vote will get a free raffle ticket


  • $5 per ticket for a ticket to GABF!


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