RHBC Meeting is This Thursday, March 11

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Recipients: wygantco@msn.com, mrbade@aol.com, wgnhead@comcast.net, greg_geiger@comcast.net, kruegel.kelly@gmail.com, treedork76@comcast.net, justin.martz@yahoo.com, brewer@rockyard.com, hockeydoug01@msn.com, jasonbuehler@yahoo.com, izzy_motherkali@comcast.net, cegolf@ugholf.net, aglaser219@comcast.net, wardargust@gmail.com, coolguywalt@hotmail.com, rocket951@comcast.net, rick_mazza@yahoo.com, davjenhav@q.com, velotech@yahoo.com, churchmr@yahoo.com, abush160@yahoo.com, nblack@labse7en.com, ickis@frii.com, jharres@gmail.com, climbtowers@msn.com, firstbatchbrewing@gmail.com, nospamcraigslist@gmail.com, nlkanous@netscape.net, kellymd@myawai.com, bellparker@msn.com, pquatrocelli@yahoo.com, flyingpig@q.com, coloradoty@hotmail.com, marciano_olivo@msn.com, jhooper@utsa.edu, ee.ecky@gmail.com, sbztom@gmail.com, bridgettecoleman@hotmail.com, redpennybrewery@yahoo.com, jvlpdillon@gmail.com, deanblom@yahoo.com, peter.morrison@iinet.net.au, djthechef@gmail.com, canyonero_x@yahoo.com, jim.denier@comcast.net, gpzhumphrey@gmail.com

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Fellow Hoppers,

This is a reminder that our March meeting is this Thursday, March 11, at 6:45

Please note, however, that the location – for this meeting only – has been
changed to the Rockyard’s new bottling facility at 3155 Commerce Ct [1],
Castle Rock, literally yards away from the brewery.

…. What to Bring

Bring *at least one chair* – camping, folding, rocking, whatever – as there
is no seating at the facility where we are meeting.

This month, there is a lot of beer-related items as well:

* If you wish for your American Ale (Category 10 [2] – Pale, Amber, or
Brown) to be considered as the RHBC’s entry into the next AHA Club Only
Competition [3], bring at least three (3) 12-ounce bottles (or equivalent)
for general tasting /and/ two (2) 12-ounce bottles to send off should you
* If you want to submit a beer for consideration into the Rockyard/RHBC
Brewmaster’s Dinner [4], bring one (1) 12-oz bottle of your selected brew.
* If you are participating in the RHBC March Madness Pool [5], bring your
4-pack or 6-pack of homebrew.

…. Elections

The primary focus of this meeting will be elections of the 2010-2011
officers. To vote, you must be a member in good standing and be present at
the meeting.

The nominees are:

* President: Kelly Kruegel, Kjell Wygant, Walt Chleva, Greg Geiger
* Event Director: Izzy Kalinchuk, Kelly Kruegel, Bridgette Jackson, Adam
* Communications Director: Adam Glaser, Don Lopez
* Treasurer: Chris Egolf
* Competition Director: Walt Chleva, Aaron Bush, Greg Geiger
* Education Director: Walt Chleva, Kelly Kruegel, Greg Geiger, Kjell Wygant

The new officer positions will take effect beginning with our April meeting.

…. By-Laws and Waiver Documents

In addition to elections, we will also be voting to accept the by-laws and
waiver documents. Before the meeting, please review both. They are available
for download here [6]. If you have any questions regarding these documents,
contact Adam Glaser [7].

Thanks and see you on Thursday!

The RHBC Officers

[1] http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=3155+Commerce+Ct,+Castle+Rock.,+CO&sll=39.54712,-104.976696&sspn=0.01145,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3155+Commerce+Ct,+Castle+Rock,+Douglas,+Colorado+80109&z=16&iwloc=A
[2] http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style10.php
[3] http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/competitions/club-only-competitions/schedule/2009-2010-competition-year
[4] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com/events/rockyard-rhbc-brewmasters-dinner-details-and-beer-signup-window
[5] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com/forum/rhbc-march-madness-pool
[6] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com/files/resources/RHBC_By-laws_Waiver_Draft.doc
[7] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com/user/22/contact


This is a message sent to you because you are a member of the Rock Hoppers
Brew Club website (http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com [1]).. By being a
member of the site, you agree to receive emails informing you of club
activities. If you do not wish to receive any further emails, please delete
your account.

[1] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com

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Fellow Hoppers,

This is a reminder that our March meeting is this Thursday, March 11, at 6:45 PM.

Please note, however, that the location – for this meeting only – has been changed to the Rockyard’s new bottling facility at 3155 Commerce Ct, Castle Rock, literally yards away from the brewery.

What to Bring

Bring at least one chair – camping, folding, rocking, whatever – as there is no seating at the facility where we are meeting.

This month, there is a lot of beer-related items as well:

  • If you wish for your American Ale (Category 10 – Pale, Amber, or Brown) to be considered as the RHBC’s entry into the next AHA Club Only Competition, bring at least three (3) 12-ounce bottles (or equivalent) for general tasting and two (2) 12-ounce bottles to send off should you win.
  • If you want to submit a beer for consideration into the Rockyard/RHBC Brewmaster’s Dinner, bring one (1) 12-oz bottle of your selected brew.
  • If you are participating in the RHBC March Madness Pool, bring your 4-pack or 6-pack of homebrew.


The primary focus of this meeting will be elections of the 2010-2011 officers. To vote, you must be a member in good standing and be present at the meeting.

The nominees are:

  • President: Kelly Kruegel, Kjell Wygant, Walt Chleva, Greg Geiger
  • Event Director: Izzy Kalinchuk, Kelly Kruegel, Bridgette Jackson, Adam Glaser
  • Communications Director: Adam Glaser, Don Lopez
  • Treasurer: Chris Egolf
  • Competition Director: Walt Chleva, Aaron Bush, Greg Geiger
  • Education Director: Walt Chleva, Kelly Kruegel, Greg Geiger, Kjell Wygant

The new officer positions will take effect beginning with our April meeting.

By-Laws and Waiver Documents

In addition to elections, we will also be voting to accept the by-laws and waiver documents. Before the meeting, please review both. They are available for download here. If you have any questions regarding these documents, contact Adam Glaser.

Thanks and see you on Thursday!

The RHBC Officers


This is a message sent to you because you are a member of the Rock Hoppers Brew Club website (http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com).. By being a member of the site, you agree to receive emails informing you of club activities. If you do not wish to receive any further emails, please delete your account.

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