RHBC Meeting

Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Greg Geiger

Presidential – Greg Geiger

  • Congratulations to Jim Stinson for GABF Bronze medal!
    • Double Eagle – American Wheat

Tip of the Month

  • Hop growing and the Rock Hoppers Hop Yard – Kjell Wygant
  • Responsible alcohol consumption – Adam Glaser

Events – Kelly Kruegel

  • Dry Dock 4th Anniversary – October 24th; Noon till the beer runs out!
  • AHA Rally at Lefthand – October 24th; 1PM – 4PM
    • No longer accepting reservations, but you can still go with someone who has one
  • RHBC Halloween Party – October 30th, 7 PM at Greg Geiger’s house
    • Frankenbier will be on tap
    • Costume Contest – A prize will be awarded to the best beer theme related costume
    • Ride service will be available for $15/person, $25/couple
    • Anyone have other beers they want on tap?

Competition/Education – Walt Chleva

  • Bier de Rock Competition Update – December, 6th
    • Sponsors progress
    • Other volunteers
  • Upcoming Competitions
    • KROC Competition  – Winners Announced
    • Queen of Beer  – Entries due October 9th
    • Belgians, Big Beers and Barleywines in Vail – Entries due Dec 30th
  • Upcoming AHA Club Only Competitions
    • November: Belgian Strong Ales (BJCP category 18)
    • August 2010: Mead (BJCP categories 24, 25, 26)
  • BJCP Exam hosted by RHBC – May 15th
    • Please contact Walt if you want to be a part of this

Communications – Geoff Humphrey

  • Putting pics in posts on the RHBC site

Treasurer – Chris Egolf

  • No Updates


  • GABF Award winning beer!!!

Tasting, Feedback, and “Best of Meeting” Contest

  • Free For All Tasting
    • Winner will get a free raffle ticket
    • One entry per person please
    • Bring three 12 oz or two 22 oz bottles


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