RHBC Beer Dinner – 8 More Slots to Fill!

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Fellow Hoppers,

This is a reminder that the RHBC Beer Dinner is scheduled for this Thursday,
June 24. Currently, there are 8 spots confirmed. The limit is 24.

To hold the event, however, *we need 8 more confirmations*, otherwise the
event will be cancelled. Don’t miss this rare opportunity!

The menu, paired with Hopper-contributed beers will be posted to the club
website Wednesday.

The cost is $39.95 per person – tax/gratuity included.


Geoff Humphrey on behalf of the Rockyard Brewers and Staff




This is a message sent to you because you are a member of the Rock Hoppers
Brew Club website (http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com [1]).. By being a
member of the site, you agree to receive emails informing you of club
activities. If you do not wish to receive any further emails, please delete
your account.

[1] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com

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Fellow Hoppers,

This is a reminder that the RHBC Beer Dinner is scheduled for this Thursday, June 24. Currently, there are 8 spots confirmed. The limit is 24.

To hold the event, however, we need 8 more confirmations, otherwise the event will be cancelled. Don’t miss this rare opportunity!

The menu, paired with Hopper-contributed beers will be posted to the club website Wednesday.

The cost is $39.95 per person – tax/gratuity included.


Geoff Humphrey on behalf of the Rockyard Brewers and Staff




This is a message sent to you because you are a member of the Rock Hoppers Brew Club website (http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com).. By being a member of the site, you agree to receive emails informing you of club activities. If you do not wish to receive any further emails, please delete your account.

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