July Meeting Minutes


Rock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda

7/9/2015 6:45 PM – GRIST Brewing Company

Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Brian Pramov
President’s Report – Brian Pramov

  • Buy from GRIST!
  • Buy from Castle Rock Homebrew Supply
  • Welcome new members – tell us who you are, how long have you been brewing, what do you like?
  • This is our second meeting, because we’re at a brewery, we need you to register before you drink
  • Judging competitions – we need to enter and win!
    • Which ones should we focus on, and which one should we skip?
    • We need to decorate the Firkin (twice!)
    • We need to decorate the Ace of Clubs!
  • Sign up for objective judging – 3 entries per meeting, one entry per person, the club’s BJCP Judges will evaluate your beer and give you feedback
    • If you’re get your beer judged this meeting, don’t sign up next time, we’ll be keeping track so that everyone gets a chance to have feedback

Event Director’s Report – Justin Vandegriffe

  • Buddy Brew – 9 teams registered! If you want in, let us know ASAP – This is your last chance!
    • October club meeting for the competition
    • Ingredients must be detectable and discernable (not just a great beer!)
  • Signup for Copper Kettle tour!
  • Bus Trip Planning – October 10th. Sign up and pay, then you get to vote on where we go (club members can bring non-members, at cost + $10.00)
  • Hop and brew school with HopUnion

Competition Director’s Report – Doug Thiel

  • Ed Moore – NHC Bronze! Congratulations! Fourth Rock Hopper to ever win a medal!
  • Fall interclub – any spice you want, NO PUMPKIN
  • Winter interclub – Big Beers!!!! Anything greater than 8%
  • Bier de Rock – Pro Bowl Weekend – using 2015 guidelines, will announce new categories later
  • How to enter a competition – brief demo and discussion
    • Labels
    • Registration
    • Dropoff
  • El Paso County Fair
    • http://brewscene.com/competition/?competition_id=148
    • July 18th, 2015
    • Registration / dropoff deadline July 12th
    • 100 Entry Limit, 6 entries per person
    • $6.00 first entry, $5.00 all others
    • “Summer Styles” only (2015 Guidelines): 1, 2A, 3A/3B, 4A, 5B/5D, 10, 18, 21, 24, 29A, 30A
    • Two 12 oz bottles (larger accepted, but must submit two regardless of size)
    • Dropoffs in Colorado springs / monument (see website) or Ship
  • Stapleton Beer Festival
    • http://competition.cautionbrewingco.com
    • July 15th 2015
    • Registration 6/1 – 7/12
    • FREE
    • All styles accepted
    • Two 12 oz bottles (larger accepted, but must submit two regardless of size)
    • Dropoff at CAUTION Brewing on E 39th, Stapleton Tap House, or Station 26 Brewing Company
  • Arapahoe County Fair
  • Arvada on Tap
  • Adams County Fair
    • http://www.adamscountyfair.com/home-brew-competition.aspx
    • July 25th, 2015
    • Registration 6/1-7/10
    • 50 Entry Limit
    • $7.00 per entry
    • All styles listed in the 2008 BJCP Style Guide
    • One entry per person / category (no total limit per person)
    • Three 10-14oz bottles per entry
    • Dropoff at Adams County Fair Grounds, Beer By Design, Quirky Homebrew, Brew ‘n Q, Beer & Wine At Home on Broadway, Do Your Brew
  • Denver County Fair
    • http://www.denvercountyfair.org/#!enter/c1ila
    • June 31st, 2015
    • Registration due July 24
    • $3.00 / entry
    • All styles accepted
    • Two 10+oz bottles that will fit in a standard case box slot
    • Dropoff at the fairgrounds
  • Archuleta County Fair
  • Black and Brews: A Roller Derby Brew Off
  • Pepper Extravaganza – pepper beers only
    • http://reggiebeer.com/PepperExtravaganza.htm
    • August 22nd, 2015
    • Registration Closes August 14th, 2015
    • $7.00 / entry
    • 2015 guidelines, all categories accepted, but entry must have at least one pepper variety
    • Two 12 oz bottles accepted
    • Dropoff or ship to Quirky Homebrew supply in Northglenn, or The Brew Hut
  • Colorado State Fair
    • http://www.coloradostatefair.com/events/2015/homebrew–craft-beer-competitions and http://brewscene.com/competition/?competition_id=141
    • August 28th, 2015
    • 6/1/2015 – 8/8/2015
    • 500 Entry Limit
    • $7.00 / entry
    • All styles accepted
    • Three 10-14oz bottles
    • Dropoff at Brew Hut, Old West Homebrew Supply (no cold storage available) or to State Fairgrounds (cold storage available)
  • Orpheus Cup Mead Fest
    • https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/events/orpheus-cup-meadfest/ and http://www.orpheuspcc.org
    • October 3rd, 2015
    • Entries due September 28th, 2015
    • $10.00 per entry
    • Two 10-22 oz bottles accepted
    • Dropoff / ship to Pamela McAlpin (address on website, email her first)

Communication Director’s Report – Robert Kausch

  • What would help you improve your beer?
  • Club Glass Order!!!!
    • Rock Hoppers themed  / logoed glassware – are you interested?
    • Logo and established date on the glassed
  • Forum – will be adding back into the site, use it! Ask questions on the forum, tell us what you’re brewing, announce events!
  • Does anyone have a contact at a winery or distillery? We would love to get a used barrel or two!
  • We need a presence at NHC in 2016 – it’s in Baltimore.

Treasurer’s Report – Mark Jeffries

  • 32 registered members! We are still shooting for more, please register. Remember, you cannot consume homebrew if you are not registered
  • Club will subsidize the bus trip
  • Current financial situation

Education – George Delena

  • Slant preparation


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