Next RHBC Meeting is August 14th!

logoRHBC Agenda

Thursday, August 14, 2014 6:45 PM – Castle Rock Homebrew Supply

Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Geoff

President’s Report – Geoff

  • Support Castle Rock Homebrew Supply. Buy your ingredients tonight!
  • Possible Saison competition with 3 Freaks

Event Director’s Report – Jeff

  • Bus Trip (October 18th)
    • $25 Members, $35 Non-Members
    • Member can sign up with 1 guest now, opens up for multiple guests Oct 1
      • Grist
      • Fate
      • Avery
      • Sanitas
      • Back Country Pizza
  • Hopoween Party (Nov 1st)

Competition Director’s Report – Brian and Billy

  • Prior Competitions:
    • Celtic Festival Comp
    • Arapahoe County Fair
    • Denver County Fair
  • Future Competitions:
    • Colorado State Fair
    • Denver Beer Co
      • ProAm
      • IPA/Fruit/SHV/Specialty
      • Entries due 8 Aug
      • $5
    • Great American Beer Challenge
      • American Styles Only
      • $8 Entry Fee
      • Due By Sept 6
    • Biere de Rock
    • Intraclub (October)
      • Fall Beers
    • Intraclub (January)
      • Big Beers (over 8% ABV)
    • Big Beers (Vail)

Communication Director’s Report – Bryan

  • Bowling Shirt Buy

Treasurer’s Report – Phil

  • Budget
    • 48 Paid Members
    • Raffles at work for you
      • Reduce bus trip from $30 to $25
      • Increase Intraclub Prize from $25 to $50

Education – Jim

  •  Gadget Night (Bring yo’ gadgets!)

Raffle – $10 per Ticket

  • GABF Ticket

Open Forum


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