Next Rock Hopper Meeting is April 9th

lRock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda

Thursday, April 9, 2015 6:45 PM – Castle Rock Homebrew Supply

Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Brian Pramov  

President’s Report – Brian Pramov 

• Officer Introduction
• Support your local homebrew shop (Castle Rock Homebrew Supply!)
• Plans for the year

Event Director’s Report – Justin Vandegriffe

• Review of last year’s events
• Overview of this year’s ideas and plans

Competition Director’s Report – Doug Thiel

• Competition Results
    o Peak to Peak Pro-Am
    o Brew Hut
• Upcoming Competitons
    o NHC
    o Liquid Poetry Slam
    o The Bruery Batch “?”
    o Steel City
    o 8 Seconds of Froth

Communication Director’s Report – Robert Kausch

• Focus for the next year
    o Focus on both directions of communication
    o Branding of the club
• Club Outreach
• Website Refresh

Treasurer’s Report – Mark Jeffries

• Account transfers
• Large expenses
• Large income sources
• Pay your dues!

Education – George Delena

• Why education? It’s the reason most of us joined the club
• How to improve educational quality and experience
• Potential topics, and approaches

Open Discussion


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