March 2018 Meeting Agenda

Rock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda

2/08/2018 6:45 PM – C.B. & Potts

President’s Report – Eric Gould

Welcome new members!
Buy stuff from our active partners

  • C.B. & Potts
  • Kettle & Barrel
  • Castle Rock Homebrew
  • Rockyard

Sign up a friend – Recruiting a new paid member will earn you a free entry into the 2019 Biere de Rock competition

Officers Voting for 2018 tonight
  • According to bylaws:
    • Any member can be nominated for Communications, Competition, Education, and Events positions
    • President must have formerly held an officer position within the club (within past 3 years)
    • Review Article 5 of the bylaws (
  • Nominations will be officially gathered during tonights meeting
  • Votes will be cast via secret ballot at the March 2018 meeting
  • For more information on officer duties and benefits:

Event Director’s Report – Dax Rush

BJCP Study Sessions

  • Next up: Cat 20 & 21

Hoppers Happy Hour

  • Recap of 02/20 Happy Hour @ Downhill Brewing
  • Next Up?

Competition Director’s Report – Jim Allen

Past Competitions:


13th Annual Peterson AFB Homebrew Competiton
Colorado Springs, CO

Ed Moore, 1st, Sammy Helles Bock, 4C: Helles Bock

Ed Moore, 2nd, Carey Rausch Bier, 6B: Rauchbier

Ed Moore, 3rd, Carey Alt Beer, 7B: Altbier

Ed Moore, 3rd, Miss Kitty Batltic Porter, 9C: Baltic Porter

Ed Moore, 2nd, Tony Barleywine, 17D: English Barleywine

Ed Moore, 3rd, Carey Forbiden Fruit Beer, 34A: Clone Beer

Ed Moore, HM, Tony Hibiscus Saison, 30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer

Eric Gould with Co-Brewer: Phil Whited, 3rd, Red Star, 28C: Wild Specialty Beer

Eric Gould with Co-Brewer: Phil Whited, 1st, Barrel Aged Skeksis, 33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer

James Morgheim with Co-Brewer: JET Brewing, Amber Waves, 19A: American Amber Ale


Wyoming Brewers Festival 6th Annual Homebrew Competition
Cheyenne, WY

Registration and Drop-off closed – Nothing to Report


Sweethearts Revenge
Loveland, CO

Ed Moore, 2nd, Tony Helles Bock, 4C: Helles Bock

Ed Moore, 3rd, Carey Wee Heavy, 17C: Wee Heavy

Ed Moore, 1st, Miss Kitty Baltic Porter, 9C: Baltic Porter

Ed Moore, 3rd, Tony Forbidden Fruit, 34A: Clone Beer

Ed Moore, 2nd, Carey Rauchbier, 6B: Rauchbier

Ed Moore, 2nd, Sparkles Coffee Blossom mead, M1C: Sweet Mead

Eric Gould with CoBrewer: Phil Whited & Dax Rush,

1st, Expanding Symmetry, 28C: Wild Specialty Beer

Dax Rush, 1st, The Mead-ia is ‘Fake News’, M1B: Semi-Sweet Mead


Boulder, CO

Dax Rush, 2nd, Kwisatz Haderach, 27: Historical Beer

Dax Rush, 1st, Sparkles taught me everything I know, M1B: Semi-Sweet Mead

Ed Moore, 2nd, Sparkles Coffee Blossom mead, M1C: Sweet Mead

Ed Moore, 1st, BOS – Mead, Sparkles Wit Braggot, M4A: Braggot

Ed Moore, 1st, Sparkles Raspberry Blackberry mead, M2C: Berry Mead

Ed Moore, 1st, Miss Kitty Baltic Porter, 9C: Baltic Porter

Ed Moore, 3rd, Carey Dopplebock, 9A: Doppelbock

Ed Moore, 2nd, Tony Forbidden Fruit, 34A: Clone Beer

Ed Moore, 2nd, Miss Kitty Strong Belgian Dark, 26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale

Ed Moore, 2nd, Creta Hibiscus Saision, 30A: Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer

Ed Moore, 1st Heavy Medal, 9 medals: BOSMead1st:1 1st:3 2nd:4 3rd:1

Eric Gould with CoBrewer: Phil Whited, 3rd, Sweet Boy, 28C: Wild Specialty Beer

Michael Bostwick, 2nd, Eis Eis Baby, 9B: Eisbock

James Allen, 1st, Inner Sanctum, 26A: Trappist Single



Portland, OR

Patricia Ludwig, 2nd, Hop Queen, 21A: American IPA

Upcoming Competitions:


2018 Peak-to-Peak ProAm
Longmont, CO

Registration and Drop-off closed – Results TBD


National Homebrew Competition – First Round (Denver Region)

Drop-off location: Bootstrap Brewing Company 

Entries will be accepted at shipping and drop-off locations beginning Monday, March 19, 2018 – Friday, March 30, 2018, COB

Attn: 2018 NHC Denver, 142 Pratt St., Longmont, CO 80501

*Monday through Thursday 3 – 9 PM; Friday through Saturday 3 – 9:30 PM; Sunday 2 – 8 PM.

AHA National Hombrewers Conference, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR

Awards Ceremony, Saturday, 6/30/2018 at 2:00 PM


24th Annual Eight Seconds of Froth
Cheyenne, WY

Entry Fee: $7.00
Entry Deadline: 04/14/2018

Visit the competitions page for more info

Intraclub Competitions

  • March 2018: Stouts

Communication Director’s Report – Eric Frazier

$6 per glass; Cash, check, card, or paypal (online)

Treasurer’s Report – Dan Croll

Dues – New year begins in March. Pay now (get it out of the way), online, or at the March meeting.

Education Director’s Report – Mike Bostwick

  • TBD

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