Eight Seconds of Froth Competition
Judging July 12, 2008 at the old Union Pacific Railroad Deopt in Laramie Wyoming. 9:30 am.
Entries $6 each.
Entry window is June 25 through July 5.
Drop off locations:
- Hop To It, 2900 Valmont Rd. D2, Boulder, CO. (303) 444-8888
- Beer at Home, 4393 S Broadway, Englewood, CO (303)789-3676
- The Brew Hut, 15108 E. Hampden Ave., Aurora, CO (303)680-8898
- Beer at Home, 1325 W. 121st Ave., Westminster, CO (720)872-9463
- Stomp Them Grapes, 2563 15th Street #101, Denver, CO, (303)433-6552
Remember to enter as part of the Rock Hoppers! Represent, brothers!!
More info at http://www.bbriggs.vcn.com/8seconds.html