January 2009 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

  1. Meeting called to order at 6:49 pm
  2. 17 in attendance: Kjell Wygant, Geoff Humphrey, Kelly Kruegel, Jason Kruegel, Chris Egolf, Tom Bell, Ryan Church, Nick Black, Aaron Bush, Jim Stinson, Jacob Harres*, David McHugh*, Carl Kopp, Greg Geiger, Michael Bade, Ward Argust, Justin Marz

Officer Reports

  1. President – Kjell Wygant
  2. Events – Izzy Kalichuk
    1. Breckenridge meet-up and brewery tour in January – date will be posted to the website.
    2. Oskar Blues tour – arranging to get the “Blues Bus” to shuttle us to Lyons for a tour and tastings.
  3. Communications – Geoff Humphrey
    1. Website updated with latest happenings including the Osiris Brewing Contest, Big Beers in Vail, Bourbon Barrel II, logo glasses purchasing, etc.
  4. Treasurer – Geoff Humphrey
    1. Bank account opened with 1st Bank. Will have check writing and Internet banking ability. Treasurer will provide balance at every meeting.

New Business

  1. Election Procedures
    1. Tabled until February
  2. Elections: March 2009

September 2008 Meeting Minutes

Imperial Anything

After a mini-lesson on how the BJCP judges by Walt, Larry and Greg, the club judged the “Imperial Anything” entries for the AHA Club Only Competition. Greg Geiger’s English Barleywine was chosen to represent the club in the national competition.  Results from the national competition will be announced in mid-october.

Burbon Barrel Brew Update

The barrel was been filled in late August. All samples that were presented to Jim to test for infection were turned in at the August meeting.  All but one were infected, but it was determined that lack of sanitation of the bottles the participants used contributed the “bugs,” not the beers themselves.  The moral of the story: sanitze your bottles AND your caps.

The beer will condition in the bbarrel for six to nine months. At the time of this writing, there was a small amount of fermentation happining – the air lock was bubbling once every 15 seconds or so.