Rock Hopper’s Pro-Am Tapping at Lone Tree Brewery

Come join us at Lone Tree for this special tapping! This Dubbel is the recipe of Robert Kausch, Communication Director from our club. It was brewed in conjunction with the head brewer from Lone Tree Brewery, and will also be our Pro-Am entry in this years, Great American Beer Festival!

Tapping starts Wednesday, May 13th, at 12:00 PM, at Lone Tree Brewing Company. Show your Rock Hopper Support, and wear your gear!

Rock Hopper’s Pro-Am Tapping at Lone Tree Brewery

Come join us at Lone Tree for this special tapping! This Dubbel is the recipe of Robert Kausch, Communication Director from our club. It was brewed in conjunction with the head brewer from Lone Tree Brewery, and will also be our Pro-Am entry in this years, Great American Beer Festival!

Tapping starts Wednesday, May 13th, at 12:00 PM, at Lone Tree Brewing Company. Show your Rock Hopper Support, and wear your gear!

Rockyard Brewing Company’s First Ever Small Batch Release Party

Rockyard is excited to invite you to their first ever small batch release party. Join them next Saturday, May 16th, from 12pm to 4pm at our “Big House” brewing facility to get your hands on our Bourbon Barrel Aged We’ Heavy Ale. They decided to age 2 bourbon barrels full of the We’ Heavy that resulted from a brew with our friends Pagosa Brewing Company for the 2014 Collaboration Festival. After 14 months in barrels they bottled this malty beast and because there are only about 300 bottles, this may be your only chance to get one. In addition to getting your hands on an incredible beer that may never hit shelves, you also have the chance to come say hello to the Rockyard team and check out their “Big House Brewery”!


3130 Commerce Court
Castle Rock, CO 80109



Posted by Rockyard American Grill and Brewing Company on Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Liquid Poetry Slam Results

The results are in for the Liquid Poetry Slam, the annual competition put on by Northern Colorado’s Liquid Poets Society. There were several medals awarded to our fellow RockHoppers! Congratulations are in order for:

  • Bryan Keas – 2nd Place, Category 2A (German Pilsner), and 1st Place, Category 15A (Weizen/Weissbier)
  • Ed Moore – 3rd Place, Category 5C (Doppelbock), 3rd Place, Category 7B (California Common), 2nd Place, Category 19B (English Barleywine)
  • Eric Gould with CoBrewer Brian Pramov – 2nd Place, Category 20 (Fruit Beer)

The full results can be found here

Big Brew Day Events – May 2nd, 2015

Big Brew Day 2015 is upon us! We have two events this year.

Rockyard Brewery Big Brew Day

As in past years, the Rockyard Brewery will be hosting an event at their facility, starting at 8:00 AM, and will be providing base malt and yeast (1187 Ringwood Ale).

Please RSVP to Kjell with your grain and yeast needs, so he can plan ahead of time:

880 Castleton Rd, Castle Rock, CO 80109

Castle Rock Homebrew Supply Big Brew Day

New this year, Castle Rock Homebrew Supply will be providing free water, starting at 9:30 AM.

1043 Park Street Castle Rock, CO 80109

“Official” AHA Recipes

The American Homebrewer’s Association has provided three “official” recipies for you to choose from. Of course, feel free to brew whatever you’d like, but here are the recipes, provide in both All Grain and Extract versions: