Buddy Brew 2015 is here!

Signup for the buddy brew is now underway. This year, we have a set list of 20 different ingredients, of which you must choose three.

Teams will be made up of one experienced brewer, and one newer brewer, and will be assigned by the officers.

The competition will take place at one of the fall meetings, and judged by the club.

There are enough people signed up for nine teams as of today.

Sign up by sending a private message to the Facebook page! When registering, make sure to include your full name, contact information, number of years in the club, number of years brewing, and if you brew extract or all grain.

Rock Hopper’s Pro-Am Tapping at Lone Tree Brewery

Come join us at Lone Tree for this special tapping! This Dubbel is the recipe of Robert Kausch, Communication Director from our club. It was brewed in conjunction with the head brewer from Lone Tree Brewery, and will also be our Pro-Am entry in this years, Great American Beer Festival!

Tapping starts Wednesday, May 13th, at 12:00 PM, at Lone Tree Brewing Company. Show your Rock Hopper Support, and wear your gear!