2009 NHC Homebrew Competition Entry Window

Sign up here and then enter your brews on our tracking sheet so we can make the Hopper presence known!

Remember, you need to use the AHA’s Registration Portal to enter the competition. You can pay online. Don’t delay, though. There’s a 750 entry limit for each region and the Old West Region had one of the highest amounts of entries in the contest last year.

For more information, visit the NHC Website.

Eight Seconds of Froth

Be sure to sign up and enter your brews on the tracking sheet.


The High Plains Drafters Homebrew Club of Cheyenne, Wyoming cordially invite you to enter Wyoming’s oldest sanctioned homebrew competition – Eight Seconds of Froth.

Homebrew entries will be evaluated by experienced judges at Eight Seconds of Froth. The number of Categories will be determined after all of the entries are received. Awards will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries in each Category, as well as for a Best of Show. This year’s competition will be held in Cheyenne, Wyoming at a place yet to be detemined. Discussions are also underway for the possibility of a winning entry to be brewed and entered in this year’s GABF Pro-Am competition. To be eligible for this honor, be sure to include your AHA membership status with your entry as only AHA members at the time of brewing are allowed to enter the Pro-Am.

Homebrew Competition Rules
The Competition is open to amateur homebrewers age 21 or older. All entries must be handcrafted products, containing ingredients available to the general public, and made using private equipment by hobbyist brewers (i.e., no use of commercial facilities or Brew on Premises operations, supplies, etc.!).

Each beer, mead or cider will be judged according to the 2008 BJCP guidelines. Beers of similar styles will be grouped together to allow for manageable judging sessions and reasonable competition. Best beers in each Category will be judged in a final round to determine the Best of Show Beer.

2013 Dues

Pay your dues online using PayPal.

Please note: an additional $1.05 is added to your $25 yearly dues total to cover PayPal charges.