APRIL 2020 Meeting Agenda

Pres – Welcome & Cheers! Introduce officers.

Education – Briefing on what home brew stores and options are available.

Events – Sharing of brewing-related projects or accomplishments during the stay-at-home.

Pres – Thank everyone for joining, close out.

Here is the instructions to Zoom
Downloading the Zoom client
You can download the Zoom Desktop Client for MacWindowsChromeOS and Linux, as well as the Zoom Mobile App for iOS and Android from our Downloads page.

Joining a Meeting from the Desktop Client

  1. Open the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Join a meeting using one of these methods:
    • Click Join a Meeting if you want to join without signing in.
    • Sign in to Zoom then click Join.
  3. Enter the meeting ID number and your display name.
    • If you’re signed in, change your name if you don’t want your default name to appear.
    • If you’re not signed in, enter a display name.
  4. Select if you would like to connect audio and/or video and click Join.

Joining a Meeting from Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Go to join.zoom.us.
  3. Enter your meeting ID provided by the host/organizer.
  4. Click Join.
    • If this is your first time joining from Google Chrome, you will be asked to open the Zoom client to join the meeting.
    • You can check Always open these types of links in the associated app to skip this step in the future.
    • Click Open Zoom Meetings (PC) or Open zoom.us (Mac)

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