bottles bottles bottles!

Hey all, my basement is being overrun with 12 oz bottles. I’ve been collecting them too long, and am about to toss them in the recycle bin, but wanted to try a more friendly option first, so if anyone needs some, give me a yell!

Carboys / fermentors

Hey all, looking for some larger ( 6-7 gal ) fermentors, and also maybe a small ( 3 gal or less) carboy or fermentor of some sort. Not picky on glass vs better bottle, or some other option i’m not familiar with.

Looking for natural gas burners

Hey All, I’m looking to aquire some natural gas burners to upgrade my system ( or more honestly to actually start buidling a ” system” , instead of just a mish-mash of equipment) I’ve seen some stuff on boring out a propane one to make it work, and am considering that option, but would like to try and go the more conventional route first. If anyone has 1-3 of them for sale, please let me know.