Anyone have an awesome Czech Pils?

See the link above for information, but essentially Pilsner Urquell is sponsoring a competition for the best homebrewed Czech Pils with three judging centers. The winner(s) get a trip to Prague. Don’t know there are any spots left as they are limiting it to the first 50 homebrewers to sign up in each city (3), but I just ran across this information so it may not be very well publicized.

2011 Ace of Clubs Awarded to Rock Hoppers Brew Club!

2011 Ace of Clubs awarded to Rock Hoppers Brew Club!High Plains Drafters Brewing Club of Cheyenne Wyoming hosted their annual Eight Seconds of Froth Competition. Points are awarded to all entries to their club affiliation. Additional points are awarded to winning entries.

Nearly 1 out of 5 entries to the 2011 Eight Seconds of Froth was from a Hopper. In addition, Hoppers won in 22 out of 76 categories, thats nearly 1 out of 3!

Because of that, the Rock Hoppers Brew Club is once again the Ace of Clubs!

Great job everyone who entered!





Eight Seconds of Froth Competition Results 2011

High Plains Drafters Brewing Club of Cheyenne Wyoming hosted their annual Eight Seconds of Froth Competition. 

Points from this competition are awarded to all entries on listing a brewing club, as well as to winning entries. The club with the most points will be called the “Ace of Clubs.”

Our club was the 2010 winner of the Ace of Clubs. 

Now in 2011, twelve members from our club logged 55 entries! The total entries for the comp was 310. 

Nearly 1 out of 5 entries to this comp was from a Hopper!

This is an impressive presentation by the club in this competition.

Congratulations to all who participated!

Now onto the results, in no particular order, from the posting from the High Plains Drafters:

Michael Bade

Chris Egolf

  • 3rd California Common

Steve Kirchner

  • 1st Extra Special/Strong Bitter
  • 1st Weizenbock
  • 2nd Dunkelweizen

Geoff Humphrey

RHBC Takes Gold at May 2011 Wood Aged Club Only Competition

A big congratulations to all the brewers that contributed to the RHBC barrel aged wee heavy project last year. First place gets our club 12 points toward club of the year at NHC!


On May 14, 2011 the Crown of the Valley Brewing Society held their Wood-Aged Beer (Cat. 22.c) Club Only Competition .There were 53 entries from 26 states.
The winners are:

1st place BOS
Kelly & Jason Kruegel, Parker, CO
22.C  “Scotchy, Scotchy, Scotch” (9E)
HB club: Rock Hoppers

2nd place BOS
Steve Oven, Brooklyn, NY  
22.C   Bourbon Barrel oak-aged Porter
HB club:  NYC Homebrewers Guild

3rd place BOS
Brian Hoesing, Lincoln, NE
22.C Imp. Stout aged on Jack Daniels oak chips (13F)
HB club:  Lincoln Lagers


How to Pack your Beer for Competitions

Man, its great when we enter local competitions and all we have to do is take it over to our local home brew supply store.

In the event that we need to send it across county (or across the globe if adventurous) then it would be prudent to review the information found on this article on the online section of Zymurgy Magazine. There are other great articles for downloading.


How to Pack Your Beer

How to Pack Your Beerby Russ Wigglesworth