We are the Ace of Clubs!!!

Congratulations Hoppers. As usual, we put forth a very strong showing at this year’s Eight Seconds of Froth Competiton. So strong, in fact, that we walked away with the Ace of Clubs traveling trophy by no small margin of victory. In addition to the winners, thanks to all who entered, judged, and stewarded to help make this possible for our club.

You can check out the competition winners at:


Let’s keep up the good work! It’s not going to be easy for others to take this title off of our hands.


NHC First Round Winners

NHC 1st Round Judging - Old WestResults will be forthcoming from AHA, but to the best of my knowledge at this time, at least three Hoppers placed in the first round of the National Homebrew Competition and will be representing our club on the national stage in June. They are:

  • Greg Geiger
  • Adam Glaser
  • Larry Hood

Congratulations to all who placed, and after judging, I have to say that this is one of the toughest competitions that one can compete in all year, and many, many great beers simply did not make the top 3.

Photos will be posted shortly as will be the official results. Let’s go out and bring home some medals from Minnesota!


Need Judges for Tonight and Tomorrow!!!

See e-mail from Deb. Need help judging Natinals 1st round!!!!!


Hi folks – one last desperate plea to help judge the 1st Round NHC!  
I’ve lost 3 judges
for this evening’s session, 2 down for tomorrow morning, and 4 short  
for tomorrow
afternoon. Please, please come on down to Breck Brewing at 471  
Kalamath and help out!

(free beer included in this time sensitive offer)

Let me know ASAP – I’ll be off the computer after noon today but you  
can call my cell.

Deborah Lee

Reminder-Bring your Extract beers to the April meeting

For those who wish to compete in the May 2010 Extract Beer club only competition, please bring enough of your beer at the April meeting to share with the club (about 2-3 12 oz. bottles) plus an additional two bottles in case your beer is chose to represent the RHBC in the National Club Only competition. Please remember that you can choose any style of beer to bring, but it must be made from at least 50% malt extract.
