Kruegel Named 2010 Front Range Judge of the Year!

Congratulations go out to Kelly Kruegel, who has been named the 2010 Front Range Judge of the Year! This coming on the heels of her recent appointment at the Queen of Beer.

Kelly participated in judging in more competitions than any other in the Front Range, accumulating over 40 points according to the rules set forth by the Front Range Homebrewer and Judge of the Year organizers.

No easy task! Her BJCP National designation is virtually in the bag.

All rise and bow to Queen AND Judge Kelly!

Geiger the 2010 Front Range Homebrewer of the Year Runner Up!

A big contrats goes out to our own esteemed president Greg Geiger for being named the runner up to the 2010 Front Range Homebrewer of the Year!

Greg placed the second most comepetition entries than any other brewer along the Colorado Front Range, earning himself load of swag and a brewing session at Avery Brewing!

Way to represent the Hoppers, Greg!

RHBC’s Kelly Kruegel IS the Queen of Beer

QOB LogoOur own Kelly Kruegel has won the Best in Show at the 2010 Queen of Beer competition with her En Francais Si Vous Plait Biere de Garde! She is the Queen of Beer!

Additionally, Kelly and her neighbor Danielle won a Honorable Mention with their Red Sceptor Irish Red Ale and Kelly received two additional Honorable Mentions, one in Belgian Beer with her Born Blonde Belgian Blonde, and one in Specialty Beer with Wild One.

Not to be outdone, Hopper Bridgette Jackson received three awards at this year’s competition as well:

  • A second place in Roasty Beer with her American Super Stout Russian Imperial.
  • A third place in Belgian Beer with her Ryes’n Sun Saison.
  • A third place in Weizen Beer with her Liquid Sunshine Hefeweizen.

Congratulations to these awesome brewers!

By the way, these ladies were the only entrants to place from the state of Colorado.