Holiday Bottle Exchange at the December 12, 2013 Meeting
It’s that time of year again, time for the annual holiday bottle exchange at the December meeting! For members who have never participated before, or those who just want a reminder of the rules, it’s pretty simple:
Step 1: Select your beer. Commercial is preferable, but homebrew is acceptable if you have solid award winning beer to choose from. Minimum value is $10 but if you want to go higher you are certainly able. Can be a single bottle or multiple bottles to reach the combined value. Basically, whatever you bring should be something that you would be excited to get. Extra value can be implied for aged or hard to get beer (ie: not available in Colorado).
Step 2: Wrap the bottle.
Step 3: Bring the bottle to the meeting and place it on the gift table. Let me know that you are a participant and I’ll give you a number.
Step 4: Engage in the exchange. Numbers are called in order and you can select from the table or steal. Once a bottle has been stolen twice it is “safe” and cannot be taken again.
We hope many choose to participate. Good luck and happy holidays to all!