Possible Inter-Club Brew Experiment / Competition

Poste by Ryan Thomas on the Front Range Homebrewer’s Guild Board:

Jeff Griffith at Golden City Brewing Company (the 2nd largest brewery in Golden) has suggested what I think will be an interesting experiment. He’s willing to give out one of his recipes, which our various groups (individuals, teams, clubs, etc.) would brew.

All interested parties could gather at the end to sample the different end-products and possibly do a blind judging. Writing up the results for one of the brewing mags would also be an option.

If any Hoppers are interested, please sign up below and I’ll let Ryan know.





GABF Pro-Am beer

I brewed about 8 barrels of my double IPA “Kneewalker” on the Sandlot’s system July 24th.  It’s ready.  There’s a good chance it will be on sale at the ballpark during the next home stand against the Giants.  If you go to a game and want to try the beer, go to the restaurant behind the first base foul pole, Rounders, and order the “Brewmaster Special IPA”.  The bartenders won’t know it’s called “Kneewalker”, they are part timers and work for Aramark, so just order the IPA.  When it becomes available is up to Coors Distributing and Aramark, so no guarantees it’s even there. 

There’s also a good chance it will end up at the Falling Rock on one of their Beer Engines – again no guarantees. 

I will post if I get any concrete information.


Craft Lager Fest Help needed Saturday Aug 14th

Jim Stinson is looking for a hand pouring Rockyard brews on Saturday August 14th at the 2010 Craft Lager Festival in Manitou Springs CO.

One spot is open, which will gain the lucky volunteer free entry into the festival and a rockyard t-shirt.

Please contact Kjell for interest via his contact page or by cell if you know his #

Hope to see you there!
