First Beers on Tap

Bard and I now have our first “house” beers on tap over at Dad and Dude’s Breweria in the Cornerstar shopping center on Parker and Arapahoe. Come on over and try our American Amber/Red Ale and our American Rye Beer. We are pretty excited about it. Apparently the owners are offering the first pint for $1 if you bring a screen shot of the most recent wall posting on Facebook for Dad and Dude’s Breweria or a copy of their text. Cheers!

Brewmasters Series on Discovery

Discovery Channel will be featuring a new series called Brewmasters. Starting Sunday, Nov. 21

at 10PM, join host Sam Calagione and his Dogfish Head team as they travel the world searching

for the ingredients and techniques they need to produce beers of astounding originality.

Tapping some Belgians brews @ The Rockyard this weekend!

Fellow Hoppers,

We’re tapping my Belgian Dubbel “Dubbel Down” this Friday at the Rockyard. This is the first in the One-Off Series and is limited to a single 15gal keg…when it’s gone it’s gone!

ALSO, Sunday October 10th we tap the Ten Story Plunge Belgian Trippel. This is a 10%ABV brew that will be available at local stores in bombers soon.
