Hopper Bridgette Jackson Interviewed on Colorado Craft Beer Radio
Our own Bridgette Jackson was interviewed on June 4, 2011 on the new Colorado Craft Beer Radio, talking about women and beer.
Way to represent again Bridgette!
Check here first.
Our own Bridgette Jackson was interviewed on June 4, 2011 on the new Colorado Craft Beer Radio, talking about women and beer.
Way to represent again Bridgette!
I obtained a fridge with a controller, which I am donating to the club for the next meeting raffle. Pics are here: http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com/index.php?q=gallery&g2_itemId=1535
Fridge is used and needs some cleaning, but works. Let me know if there are any questions.
Ant Hayes, 1970 – 2011
The BJCP is stunned and saddened to hear of the untimely death of Antony (Ant) Hayes of Kent, UK. Ant was instrumental in organizing the initial BJCP exams in both South Africa and the UK. He achieved a National-level score on his first attempt, and has since been an ambassador for the BJCP to judging and beer organizations in Europe. He gave excellent presentations on traditional English beer styles at two AHA NHC conferences, and helped us better understand the London brown ale style at the BJCP judge reception at the NHC in Cincinnati.
We remember Ant as a wonderful brewer, judge, and friend, someone who wanted to bring the methods of the BJCP to new places, and to bring better knowledge of world beer styles back to us. While his work was incomplete, his memory provides an inspiration for us to reach harder towards these goals. Cheers to you, mate, we’ll miss you.
Please lift a toast to Ant, and consider brewing a proper English session beer in his honor. His widow has specified a charity if you wish to make a donation.
Check out the event calendar for details. You all should have recieved an email stating we are invitited to an exclusive tour of the Del Norte Brewery.
Please RSVP so we know who to expect. This starts at 1:30 this Saturday April 30th, at the brewery with fun at the Rackhouse after.
With Lone Tree Brewing Company looking to get all of their ducks in a row, a Home Owners Association directly behind the brewery’s location is in need of any homebrewers that live in the community (Lone Tree or Acres Green subdivision) to attend their meeting Thursday at 7pm. For additional information, please contact Jason at 303-819-3518 for the meeting location.
The brewery is going to open in our community and here is an opportunity to show the uninformed about the joy that is brewing.
Also, there is a Lone Tree City Counsel meeting on May 3rd if anyone is interested in showing your support for the local brewery. Again, contact Jason for the details!
Happy brewing!