RHBC Meeting Location Change

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Recipients: wygantco@msn.com, mrbade@aol.com, wgnhead@comcast.net, greg_geiger@comcast.net, kruegel.kelly@gmail.com, treedork76@comcast.net, justin.martz@yahoo.com, brewer@rockyard.com, hockeydoug01@msn.com, RollandTDouglas@msn.com, jasonbuehler@yahoo.com, izzy_motherkali@comcast.net, cegolf@ugholf.net, aglaser219@comcast.net, wardargust@gmail.com, coolguywalt@hotmail.com, rocket951@comcast.net, rick_mazza@yahoo.com, davjenhav@q.com, velotech@yahoo.com, churchmr@yahoo.com, abush160@yahoo.com, nblack@labse7en.com, ickis@frii.com, jharres@gmail.com, climbtowers@msn.com, firstbatchbrewing@gmail.com, nospamcraigslist@gmail.com, nlkanous@netscape.net, kellymd@myawai.com, bellparker@msn.com, pquatrocelli@yahoo.com, flyingpig@q.com, coloradoty@hotmail.com, marciano_olivo@msn.com, jhooper@utsa.edu, ee.ecky@gmail.com, sbztom@gmail.com, bridgettecoleman@hotmail.com, redpennybrewery@yahoo.com, jvlpdillon@gmail.com, deanblom@yahoo.com, peter.morrison@iinet.net.au, djthechef@gmail.com, canyonero_x@yahoo.com, jim.denier@comcast.net, steve_kirchner@hotmail.com, brian.patterson@colorado.edu, eujon@introspeed.com, superdroop1234@yahoo.com

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Please note that the this Thursday’s meeting location has been changed to the
Rockyard’s new bottling factility (the same place we had our March meeting).

The address is 3155 S Commerce Ct [1].

Please bring chairs and dress warm.


The RHBC Officers

[1] http://maps.google.com/maps?q=3155+Commerce+Ct+Castle+Rock+CO&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=3155+Commerce+Ct,+Castle+Rock,+CO+80109&gl=us&ei=tXOOS_uvA4nKsAOGlp25CA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAgQ8gEwAA


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[1] http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com

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Please note that the this Thursday’s meeting location has been changed to the Rockyard’s new bottling factility (the same place we had our March meeting).

The address is 3155 S Commerce Ct.

Please bring chairs and dress warm.


The RHBC Officers


This is a message sent to you because you are a member of the Rock Hoppers Brew Club website (http://www.rockhoppersbrewclub.com).. By being a member of the site, you agree to receive emails informing you of club activities. If you do not wish to receive any further emails, please delete your account.

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