RHBC December 2010 Meeting (at Elk Mountain)

Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Greg Geiger

Presidential – Greg Geiger

  • NHC Update / Reminder
  • Ace of Clubs Trophy engraving ideas!

Events – Bridgette Jackson

  • Brew Tour – Will be in Feburary
  • Big Beers Belgians and Barleywines – Make your reservations NOW!!! Rooms are still available!!!
    • Volunteers are very welcome and get free tickets!

Competition – Aaron Bush

  • Upcoming Competitions
    • Biere de Rock – Winners Announced!
    • Holiday Cheer Christmas Homebrew Competition – Entries were due Dec 7th, judging is Dec 11th  
    • Big Beers, Belgians, and Barleywines – Entries due Dec 15th, judging Jan 7th
    • Peterson Air Force Base – Entries Due Feb 9th, judging Feb 19th
    • Rockyard Pro-Am – Old Ales
  • Upcoming AHA Club Only Competitions
    • March 2011: Bock: (BJCP category 5)
    • April 2011: Wood Aged Beer (BJCP category 22c)

Communications – Adam Glaser

  • I’m here, be happy with that.

Treasurer – Chris Egolf

  • Everyone who spent money on Biere de Rock, get me your receipts.
  • Dues coming up in March!

Education – Walt Chleva

  • Malting – 3 ½ hour, 500 slide presentation on malting!

Tasting, Feedback, and “Best of Meeting” Contest

  • Club Only Competition – English Pale Ales (BJCP category 8)
    • Bring three 12oz bottles for tasting and two additional 12oz bottles in case you win
    • Winner will get a free raffle ticket and entry in Club only competition
  • Free For-all Tasting
    • Three 12oz bottles for tasting
    • Winner will get a free raffle ticket


  • $5 per ticket for some Biere de Rock Swag!


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