June 2017 Meeting Agenda

Rock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda

6/08/2017 6:45 PM – C.B.& Potts

President’s Report – Eric Gould

  • Welcome new members!
  • Buy stuff from C.B. & Potts, Rockyard, and Castle Rock Homebrew!
  • Sign up a friend – Recruiting a new paid member will earn you a free entry into the 2018 Biere de Rock competition!
  • PAY YOUR DUES! – New year began in March

Event Director’s Report – Dax Rush(In Orlando)

    • Firkin Filling(18MAY2017)
  • Wheat Challenge- 30 percent wheat.
    • Brew Hut gift card
    • Wheat Style Guidelines
  • July’s Meeting is Brew Gadget Night
    • Bring your most useful gadget that makes brewing more enjoyable/easier
  • Sign-up for Fall Buddy Brew
  • Rendezvous at the Rock(08SEPT2017)
  • Summer Picnic with Foam on the Range(12AUG2017)
    • Let’s get an idea of who is interested in attending.
    • More details to follow
  • Camping Trip
    • Signup on the Brews Brothers Website
    • Indicate “ROCKHOPPER” as a note when checking out on the zencart(Active 10JUNE-01JULY).
    • Cost is $25/Person to camp
  • Interest in Top Golf
    • We need to know who is interested to make a reservation.
    • Look for an online poll

Competition Director’s Report – Jim Allen

Past Competitions

  • Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB), St. Paul, MN
    • 15 qualifying events (1st place advances from each qualifying event)
      • Reggale and Dreadhop, Boulder, CO is a local qualifying event
      • Qualifying Brewers: William Beeson, James Allen, Ed Moore, & Brian Pramov (w/ Co-Brewers: Dax Rush, Eric Gould, Mike Bostwick, Phil Whited, Ed Moore & Rob Kausch)
    • 5/29/2017
  • Kokapelli Results

Upcoming Competitions

  • Interclub Competitions
    • June 2017: Wheat Beer (anything as long as it’s at least 30% wheat)
    • September 2017: Spiced Beer 30A
    • December 2017: TBD

Communications Director Report – Eric Frazier

  • Glassware is available today
    • $6 per glass; Cash, check, card, or paypal (online)
  • T-Shirts

Treasurer’s Report – Dan Croll

Education Director’s Report – Mike Bostwick

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