The Society for the Pursuit of Hoppiness

Join Avery Brewing Co. and The Society for thePursuit of Hoppiness as we celebrate our lupulin fascination at Zoka’s in Pine, Colorado. We picked Zoka’s as a meeting point because the lanscapes are amazing, the food is excellent and their commitment to great Hoppy beer is evident in their beer line-up: Maharaja Imperial IPA, Avery IPA and a specialty batch of dry-hopped IPA. As well as other fine ales. We will be offering life-time Society memberships for $15. Membership in The Society includes a Society T-shirt and a pint of Dry-Hopped Avery IPA along with an unwavering commitment to excellence and adventure in your beer choices. Zoka’s has alsout together a special menu for the day including:

  • IPA battered Fish & Chips
  • IPA battered Onion Rings
  • Blackened Fish Tacos
  • The famous Zoka’s Mini Burgers.
  • Full menu available.

Saturday July 12th, 2008, 3:00-5:00 PM Zoka’s
Restaurant, 16940 S. Pine Valley Road, Pine CO 80470
If you have any questions, please contact

CANCELLED: AHA Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day

Event has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Maybe next year.

Adam Glaser has offered his home for the event.  His address is:

Use the signup feature to let Adam know if you will be coming. He has requested that people signed up at least one week in advance for planning (October 25 is the deadline).

He also has suggested that an all-grain brewer bring their equipment to demonstrate the process. Adam will be brewing an extract-based beer: