Rock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda
11/12/2015 6:45 PM – C.B. & Potts Brewing Company
Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Brian Pramov
President’s Report – Brian Pramov
- Buy from C.B. & Potts!
- Buy from Castle Rock Homebrew Supply
- 105 West Brewing Company is now open! Go support Eric, Kjell, George and the rest of the crew!
- Welcome new members – tell us who you are, how long have you been brewing, what do you like?
- Sign up for objective judging – 3 entries per meeting, one entry per person, the club’s BJCP Judges will evaluate your beer and give you feedback
- If you’re get your beer judged this meeting, don’t sign up next time, we’ll be keeping track so that everyone gets a chance to have feedback
Event Director’s Report – Justin Vandergriffe
- The bus trip was great! We had many members and guests attend, and went to a bunch of cool breweries!
- Platte Park brewery event after November meeting
- Vail big Beers, Belgians, & Barleywines, January 10th. Buy tickets now $70
- Amazing – highly recommend. Better than GABF. Stay the night up there.
- $219 a night and some other lodging deals. Book early!
- December White Elephant Beer Exchange
- Bring beer for a white elephant swap, subject to rules
- Maximum of two “entries” per person
- Minimum of $10 per entry
- An entry must be a bomber (22 oz) or two standard (12 oz) bottles
- No Homebrew
Competition Director’s Report – Doug Thiel
- Biere de Rock – Planning is underway.
- We need lots of volunteers!
- Coordinate with us TONIGHT if you can help!
- Fermentologists – Dias Oscura, Entries were due Sunday the 8th. Good luck to everyone who entered!
- GRIST Competition Results
- Upcoming Competitions
- Vail Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines
- Registration opens October 15th
- $7.00, 3 bottles 12 oz or larger
- Drop off at Rockyard, Breckenridge Brewery on Santa Fe, The Brew Hut and other locations.
- Peterson Air Force Base Homebrew Competition
- Register by January 22nd, 2016
- $6.00, 2 bottles 12 oz or larger
- Drop off TBA
- Sweetheart’s Revenge
- Register by February 5th, 2016
- $7.00, 2 bottles 12 oz or larger
- Drop off TBA
- Mazer Cup International Home Competition
- Register by March 4th, 2016
- Entry fee TBA
- Drop off TBA
Communication Director’s Report – Robert Kausch
- The order for the glasses is in!
- They will be ready around the end of November (the 23rd is the ballpark date), and will be distributed at the December Meeting
- If you ordered glasses and cannot make the meeting, coordinate with me
- We have a few extra glasses if you wanted to order but didn’t get in. Let me know that you’re interested, and I’ll let you know after everyone has picked up their orders
Treasurer’s Report – Mark Jeffries
- We subsidized a portion of the bus trip.
- Bank account status
- Expenses / budget for the Biere de Rock.
Education – George Delena
- Mead Presentation – Ed, Nate and Sarah