Sam Adams Latitude 48 Deconstructed

Sam Adams has released the Latitude 48 IPA which highlights hops grown from near the 48th Latitude.  Along with it, they have also recently released the Latitude 48 Decontructed 12 pack which breaks down the beer into 5 separate beers with a single type of hop.   Latitude 48 contains five varieties of hops — Hallertau Mittelfrueh from Germany; East Kent Goldings from England; and Ahtanum, Simcoe, and Zeus, all from Washington state’s Yakima Valley.  The 12 pack features 2 bottles of the Latitude 48 IPA and 2 bottles of the Latitude beer brewed with single hops.  So if you are like me and always wanted to brew a series of individual hop beers to get a good perspective of the individual hop characteristics but have been to lazy to do so, this will be a great opportunity to taste a professionally brewed and consistant series of single hopped beers.  I picked my 12 pack up at the Wine Seller in the Lincoln/Quebec area of Highlands Ranch but I am sure other stores are probably selling this as well.



Just weird

Microwave popcorn: Inhaling the additive used to create the buttery taste in microwave popcorn, diacetyl, can lead to irreversible lung damage, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fittingly, this condition is often called “popcorn lung.” But not to worry-contracting the condition only happens in extreme cases, like one woman reported on by the New York Daily News who ate two to three bags of microwave popcorn daily for 16 years.

Hmmm….So if I drink/smell enough beer with diacetyl in it, do I also get “popcorn lung”?