8 gallon pot


I have a friend who started homebrewing last summer. He is on of our summer seasonals at Highlands Ranch. He is looking to upgrade from his five gallon pot to an 8 gallon pot. Whether it has the nice attachments or not (thermometer and ball valve) may not mattter. Please post if you have one you would sell or know of one for sale,


Jason K.

Glycol System For Sale

I am selling a Glycol System, which includes the pump and an insulated tower and motor.  This is 2 years old and I paid $4,500.00 for it.  I would like to get $2,500.00 for it.  This would be perfect for a small business that is starting up or a home brew.  The pump consist of a a GE 1/3 horse power motor that runs the glycol through the lines to the tower and cools the line and tower.  I do not have any glycol lines with it so you would have to purchase the lines but I could help you set it up.  Please call me at 303-919-1919 or email me at mitch@linderdev.com if you have questions or would like to come see it.

In the market for a brew kettle!

I am looking for a bigger brew kettle on a budget…  I am planning on staying with 5 gallon batches for a bit, but would like to be able to grow into all grain brewing as I gather more equipment and experience.  So if anyone knows of any great deals on a keg I can convert, a converted keg, or a screaming deal on a kettle, that would be great!



$85 Plate Chillers on Amazon

While I cannot vouch for the quality, these plate chillers seem comparable to the Therminator at less than half the price.

Just in case you are looking to buy a chiller soon.
