1/2 Barrel Keg for Sale

Does anyone need a legal 1/2 barrel keg?  I purchased one from New Belgium (although the keg is a Yuengling keg) and no longer need it.  It is undamaged/unused by me, so it could be reused again as a keg or converted into a keggle.  I am willing to part with the keg for $10 or maybe just buy me a beer…  Laughing


Hole Saws

For those cutting up Stainless Steel 1/2 bbl kegs for brew kettles, the “Bi-Metal” hole saws from Home Depot suck.  They won’t even cut one hole.  The ones from ACE Hardware that look the same and cost pretty much the same work great! Hole after hole, keg after keg, no complaints.  The only difference I can see are the ACE ones say “Made in U. S. A.” on the side.  Home Depot were from China.


Cooler MLT & 10-gal Aluminum Pot for sale

Time for the next round of equipment purchases for my soon-to-come single tier brew stand, so the following is for sale:

  • Cooler MLT – built from a 48-qt Ice Cube cooler. 3/8″ brass ball valve and 1/2″ copper manifold. Manifold removes easily and disassembles for cleaning, yet fits tightly in place, so no worries about it becoming dislodged while stirring the mash. Also includes a 1/2″ brass return for re-circ. ASKING $50
  • 10 gal Aluminum Pot – thick walled aluminum pot bought from restaurant supply company. This is just a simple pot – no valves, built-in thermometers, etc. No lid.  Approx. 14″ diameter. ASKING $35

Thanks for looking.
